Friday, May 30, 2014


History shows that only force has ever prevented a nation from clandestinely building or acquiring nuclear weapons. Obama thinks he can strike a deal with Islamo-fascist Iran. Obama is a dangerous, naive plonker, but still the Obama Zombies chant his praises!


The European Union issued an astounding press release on Wednesday, May 28. At a time when a wide swath of it's members are in dire financial straits, the EU Commission boasted about it's latest €200 million infusion of cash into the corrupt and incompetent Palestinian Authority. Where does the dough mostly go? Blood money to the families of Islam's “martyrs” who died killing Israeli men, women and children and let's not forget the financial bounty to the imprisoned murderers of Jews. Who needed to vote neo-Nazi at the recent European Elections, when there's a stack of the fuckers in Brussels already! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014



Hillary Clinton For President? Don't be so friggin' naive! 
Q: Who were taken on to guard the American Consulate at Benghazi? 
A: The February 17 Martyrs Brigade, that's who were tasked with providing security for the consulate. 
Q: And just who are they Ms Clinton? 
A: The February 17 Martyrs Brigade are an Islamist militia affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. The attackers firing off RPGs into the compound were members of Ansar Al Sharia, a spin-off of the February 17 Martyrs Brigade, associated with Al Qaeda. That's who were guarding the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.
And no, Hillary Clinton didn't give that last answer, as she and Obama were too busy saving their lying asses, talking tripe about a video! 

Hillary For President? Yeah, if you want a lying bitch with blood on her hands!


Two of the United State's top astronomers have told Congress that "there is alien life outside of our world and there is a good chance that we will meet alien life in our lifetime."  There's a large amount of recently released files, hundreds of which have military and civilian pilots on record, with ground radar and voice communications to back up their written testimonies as evidence of their "close encounters." (Unknown, silent craft, going  from zero to 3000 mph are not something we had 40 years ago or even now under wraps). Is Joe Public being gently prepared for the "aliens" that seem to already come and go at will?  Expect a whole lot of WACO's that morning if that's the case... (Image: Copyright Control)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The German car giant Audi's predecessors ruthlessly exploited thousands of Nazi concentration camp prisoners and other slave laborers and forced them to work in inhumane conditions under which at least 4,800 died, a new study commissioned by the car makers has revealed. And the Union doesn't come up smelling of new car either. The so-called " Father of the German Auto Union", Dr Richard Bruhn, was an active Nazi who was given the status of a "Wehrwirtschaftsfuehrer" aka defence industry leader, which denoted the company's importance as a producer of war materials. In 1953 West Germany awarded Bruhn one its highest accolades; The Grand Cross of Merit. 
Note: It's a fact, that after WW2, the De-Nazification Program introduced by the Allies, never came across one German that ever admitted they had voted for Hitler, so I guess that's why Bruhn got his gong! (Image: Copyright Control)
 Flossenberg concentration camp, Germany

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I've been caught in me own weasel web, comrades!
George Soros, billionaire funder of every Israeli trashing and bashing outfit like Media Matters for America, the New America Foundation, the Center for Constitutional Rights, the American Friends Service Committee, and The Tides Foundation has all of his BDS dogs yapping and biting his very plentiful ass. Why so? Well Georgie has been found out being a very bad boy; that is, he's been putting money into enemy companies, aka Israeli ones! The Palestinian BDS National Committee has posted an official statement on it's website about their (former hero) asking that G.S. should now be given the full BDS treatment! Brill!