Friday, April 11, 2014


Israel is preparing dozens of claims against senior officials of the Palestinian Authority for participating in terror attacks. Shurat HaDin, an Israeli NGO that defends the legal rights of terror victims, initiated the idea. Various Israeli government offices will be assisting Shurat HaDin in preparing the lawsuits. Last year Shurat HaDin began a series of high profile lawsuits in the U.S. against the PA and others involved in terrorism against Israelis, resulting in judgemenst with high payouts to the victims. But why stop there? The European Union is poring money into known Palestinian terror fronts. Sue these sanctimonious bastards too!
(Images: Copyright Control)

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: 'They Want Me Silenced. Brandeis University Complied.' Brandeis should just shut up shop. They are moral cowards who succumbed to pressure from some of the most disgusting Islamist groups and their fellow travelers.This brave women was invited by Brandeis then told only a few hours before her appearance that the invitation had been withdrawn. Not only that, Brandeis lied saying that she had been "consulted"! 
Hence forth their fucking University motto should read: 


(Image: Copyright Control)
Israel on average defends against tens of thousands of cyber attacks every day. So Israeli hackers - individuals, not the Israeli government - have been crashing numerous anti-Israel and radical Islamist websites; even including the official ‪#‎OpIsrael‬ website which believed it was the biz! An Israeli group known as Israeli Elite Force, broke into their personal computers, taking info and even mug shots of the Nazi-BDS types and Islamist tossers. It was just child’s play," the Israeli hacker said. “It is really not recommended that they [Anonymous Palestine] mess with Israel, and they know this well.”


Hamas child brides
There is a strong possibility that children in Iraq could soon be legally married before the age of nine if the latest legislation which was tabled on Tuesday, becomes a law! It essentially introduces monstrous clauses, strips women of their rights and condones pedophilia. The proposed revision of the minimum age comes from the Jaafari Personal Status Law, which is based on the principles of Islam's Shiite school of religious law founded by Jaafar al-Sadiq, the sixth imam. It's not just the psychos of Palestinian Hamas who have child brides; it's part of Islam's main street thinking. So remind me again what that war in Iraq was all about? Islam, democracy and the modern world are mutually exclusive!


On Thursday, the last day of his state visit to China, Israeli President Shimon Peres launched a presidential account on Weibo, the Chinese answer to Facebook, and within minutes of doing so received from more than 50 million "likes" from Chinese surfers!
(Image: Copyright Control)


Israel has successfully launched it's Ofek 10 satellite. An observation remote-sensing satellite that employs Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology with advanced ‘high-resolution’ imagery, capable of operating day or night and in all weather conditions. It has also inaugurated the new Samson plane into the IDF fleet. The plane has a range which extends Israel's flight capability all the way to China.
(Image:Copyright Control)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


In a keynote speech in London, World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald Lauder called for PR and legal battles against the BDS. About friggin' time! The WJC is too full of nice liberal types when you really need some hard bastards who are not adverse to taking on the Nazi-BDS with some of their own tactics.
(Image: Copyright Control)