Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Dr. Tawfik Hamid is a unique and solitary voice in the Islamic world. A self-acknowledged former terrorist, he was a member of the militant al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya with Dr. Ayman Al-Zawaherri who later on became the second in command of Al-Qaeda and now heads it.
"The PA leaders and Hamas are cynically and immorally using the Arabs’ plight for political and religious gain. One million Arabs live in Israel with the Jews and they are not suffering like the Arabs who are actually controlled by the Arabs. To be honest you have to say that the Palestinian suffering is because of their leadership, not because of Israel,” says Dr. Hamid. 
Is Obama & Co listening to someone who actually knows what he's talking about? Obama the arrogant would rather stick pins in his dick than take lessons from anyone!


Much in the way Braille allows people who are blind to “see” the written word, a bionic contact lens invented by Israeli researcher Prof. Zeev Zalevsky “presses” images onto the surface of the eye to help the brain decipher through touch what the wearer is looking at. “There are 600 times more sensors in your cornea than on fingertips which are used to touch and read Braille. And since there are so many tactile sensors in the eyes, one can actually sense and ‘feel’ an image at a very high resolution, helping you really see with your eyes when you are blind,” he says.

Israeli bionic contact lens will help blind people ‘see’.

Monday, April 7, 2014


While watching or reading the American liberal press of today, I wondered about their analysis of important people from the early 1930's: “Hitler’s eyes are curiously childlike and candid... His voice is as quiet as his black tie… He has the sensitive hand of the artist.” The New York Times. 
The liberal press analysis of major political figures and events was wrong then, just as it is today. Think of that numpty Thomas Friedman... 
(Image: Copyright Control)


(Image: Copyright Control)
An Arab mother of three has won Israel’s Masterchef reality cooking show. Over the weekend, she was crowned this year’s winner of one of Israel’s most popular television contests. She said that she planned to use her winnings to set up a Jewish-Arab cooking school in Israel. Throughout the program, Atamna-Ismaeel frequently referred to her desire to make Arab food more prominent in Israeli cuisine.


Let's reply to that by applying a ye olde Anglo Saxon word in the next sentence. Don't be so fucking stupid!
Billions of investment poring in like never before, trade buoyant even with Islamist Turkey: up from $3.4 billion to $4 billion and rising in 2012. Take your own "reality check" Kerry!

Sunday, April 6, 2014


 'The Palestinians are not interested in a historic compromise that will include two states living side by side with one another where the only issues left to resolve involve borders. On the contrary, the Palestinians believe that Israel should be a Palestinian state where some Jews live.' Very politely put, Ms X
Here's the background story to why: most of the mainly pagan Arab tribes - some became Christians - located in Arabia back in the 7th century, generally lived in harmony with Jewish settlements which had preceded the Arabs in that region. But when a majority of the Arab tribes embraced that supremacist cult (known to us as Islam), the Arabs began their genocidal rampages across the planet. 'Convert or death' was and still is, their esteemed leader's No.1 order of the day. Since then, there never has been any chance of a real peace with anyone not committed to their view of the universe.


Researchers in South America say they have unearthed stone tools proving that humans reached what is now northeast Brazil as early as 22,000 years ago. Their discovery adds to the growing body of research upending a prevailing belief of 20th-century archaeology in the United States
known as the Clovis model, which holds that people first arrived in the Americas from Asia about 13,000 years ago. 
Just about everyone got to America before Chris; the Vikings, Irish and Freemasons to name but a few. The cover story that Mr C. Columbus put about was total tosh. Sailing west to 'find another route to India' indeed. Columbus the Cunning had done his research; he knew about the "Irish map" and also knew how to get the max funding for his "discovery scam"!