Wednesday, April 2, 2014


And if your Surrender-in-Chief draws yet another red line
we'll just have to go fuck 'em in Tehran ourselves...
US army chief Dempsey was in Israel and stated that the US and Israel are now in sync over Iran. On Monday, Dempsey held a joint press conference with IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz. Both were asked whether they had the capability to halt Iran’s nuclear programme. Gantz commented “Obviously we will keep our capabilities to ourselves, but we do emphasize that the capability is very much there.” Well...there's sync and then there's Obama's idea of sync. (Image: Copyright Control)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Liberal Zionists are beginning to emerge from the Twilight Zone. Why now? Well, even the bewildered can have an epiphany and here's the prove:
"The BDS movement is not targeting the occupation per se. It's goal is the end of the State of Israel itself." 
Well stated, sir. The BDS Movement are just latter day Nazis.
(Image: Copyright Control)


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Whenever the USA gets off on the moral high ground bit - most often represented by Hollywood - it's worth remembering the 1600 top Nazi scientists the U.S. brought over at the end of WW2. Many of these odious fuckers were accused of war crimes, had stood trial at Nuremberg while others were convicted of mass murder and slavery. On the death of one of these Nazi scientists, the Israel bashing New York Times wrote some flowing pros about his contribution to America, without so much as a backward glance or word about this particular bastards dirty deeds!


Israel and Indonesia don’t have diplomatic relations, but they do have economic relations — one billion dollar’s worth. This week, Israel’s Ormat Technologies announced that it had signed a $1.17 billion financing agreement with an Indonesian group. Construction of the geothermal plant in Indonesia is expected to begin in 2016. 
The Ormat Technologies geothermal plant in Iceland

Monday, March 31, 2014


Just when you think the Arabs can't get any more loopy, columnist Ahmad al-Gamal of Egypt’s Al-Yawm Al-Sabi daily proposes that Egypt sue Israel. Why? al-Gamal - quoting from the Hebrew Bible - asserts that Israel should repay Egypt for the harm caused by the plagues, as well as the theft of precious commodities used to build the Hebrews' Tabernacle in the desert. He claims the Bible’s collective punishment of the Egyptian people was uncalled for, as it was Pharaoh himself alone who was responsible for the suffering of the Israelites. 
Memo to Al-Gamal: You Arabs didn't arrive in the land of Egypt until the 7th century...about 2000 years after Pharaoh's spot of bovver with frogs an' boils!


The Republican party must be wishing for a long spell in the presidential political wilderness. By even thinking about yet another Bush on the ballot, they will have as much chance of gettin' their ass back in the Whitehouse as an Irish bloke saying no to a pint of free Guinness.


When the politicians of western democracies consistently fail to deliver - due to a combination of self interest, stupidity and endemic corruption - then you get this. The far right racist National Front in France have won control of 11 towns and were on track to claim more than 1,200 municipal council seats nationwide; their best ever showing. The French President Francois Hollande taking the ax to his beleaguered government and muttering the usual crap like " lessons to be learned" just doesn't cut it!(Image: Copyright Control)
France turns hard right