Friday, March 21, 2014


Turkey’s Islamo-fascist big boy Erdogan has blocked access to Twitter. It's all part of the continuing slide of Turkey from a secular state to Erdogan's dream of a full blown Islamist one. He is no friend of democracy and he's intent is to quash dissemination of incriminating recordings of his corrupt ways. Still, the Surrender-in-Chief thinks he's a good chap and trusted ally; then again, Obama loved the Muslim Bros in Egypt which should tell you everything you need to know about the Illinois Illustionist.


Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff said in a prison interview that he does not feel he “betrayed the Jews.” Had Madoff arrived at a death camp he would have been the first to volunteer for capo duty. The bastard's a total unrepentant cunt!


When this so called farce aka the peace process fails and Israel gets the blame for not committing hara-kiri, the Pali brigade have promised to call on the world for an all out boycott of Israel. Which would entail all of the bastards of BDS et al around the globe having to return to circa 1920. Why? Because there are hundreds of high tech, medical, agricultural and other can't-do-without-products in daily use around the globe which were developed by Israeli ingenuity. So bring it on you hypocritical toss-pots and be prepared to return to your caves!
(Images: Copyright Control)

Thursday, March 20, 2014


When a Palestinian Arab terrorist murders an Israeli man, woman or child -or an American in Israel, they can wind up receiving a generous salary, in excess of $40,000 a year, for their crime. And if you are a US or European taxpayer, you are footing part of the tab! Palestinian partners in peace as viewed from Obama and Arabs' alternative universe.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


How the Jihad is understood in the West and how it really is: 
'Officially, Western academia, media, and politicians portray it as a defensive war to protect Muslim honor and territory; in reality, however, jihad is all too often little more than a byword to justify the most primitive and barbaric passions of its potential recruits and practitioners.R. Ibrahim.


Israeli desalinisation plant
On his visit to California last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signed an agreement with California Governor Jerry Brown to, among other things, export Israeli water technology to California to help the state better cope with drought. “Through this agreement, California and Israel will build on their respective strengths in research and technology to confront critical problems we both face, such as water scarcity, cybersecurity and climate change,” said Brown. Israel has been so successful in managing it's water, it can now export water to Jordan.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Obama yesterday told Palestinian Authority (PA) Abbas that tough decisions will need to be made to broker a peace deal. What would these "tough decisions" be, Obama? Let's see: oh the Pali leadership could stop the decades of mega corruption, whereby zillions of $$$$$$ have been syphoned off into Swiss bank accounts; but leaving their neo-Nazi Twilight Zone might prove a tad difficult. Truth is, trying to make any lasting deal with the Arab mentality - who in general suffer from a bad case of arrested development - is a futile task. Israel should just foot drag until Obama & Co are history.