Friday, February 7, 2014


David Cameron - who has Scottish ancestry - has urged the rest of the UK to tell Scottish voters to reject independence. I can't see Scotland voting to scrap the Union, but if it does, expect the country to become Cuba without the climate. For the Scottish Left - whom I'm rather acquainted with - are like Islamists with kilts. They would make it a defacto one party state on benefit, as most businesses would head across Hadrian's Wall faster than thirsty blokes for free beer.
(Image: Copyright Control)


Crap at foreign languages? If like moi you are, then this is for you too. The Israeli company Lexifone - with its computer learning system and smart algorithms - has a great goal; to enable people to speak in their own tongue (say English) with the party on the other end hearing them in their language...and dialect! A dialect too far could prove to be Louisianna swamp livin' folks and broad Scots.


Videos posted on the Internet by Jihadists say that the “demon Olympics” are Satanic. Strange... I would have thought that coaching children to be suicide bombers and murdering anyone not conforming to your twisted, dark, alternative universe; Satanic would be a most appropriate name plate for you demented bastards!

Thursday, February 6, 2014


It's not a peace treaty, but... Agree to the Palestinian state; a bit of land swapping; a seat at the UN, the full monty. For once they are a state, the same rules will apply to them as other countries in the international community. The Palestinian government will have to be accountable; and there are loads of pesky International rules of law that will be news to them. E.G: rockets fired willy-nilly at another country is a very big no-no. For this might no longer be regarded as an act committed by some wayward terrorists, but could be regarded as a declaration of war, which may have dire consequences for their newly minted Pali state. Under International Law, dealing with a country can actually be a whole lot simpler than dealing with 20 different shades of Allahu Akbars. And there can be no more of their duckin' an ' diving, endless bleating and blame shifting. They, the Palestinian government will be held responsible for what happens in their country. Stopping Islam's psychos - any which way - will now be their responsibility. And as they know most of their nutters by name, if Abbas & Co want to stay in the state and country business, failure can't be an option.
(Image: Copyright Control)


An Israeli start-up called Cyactive is developing anti-malware technology that aims at the ‘dark heart’ of computer bugs - the same damaging code that hackers keep recycling. Co-founder of Cyactive is Liran Tancman, who's a former head of Cyber-strategy in an elite IDF intelligence unit where he worked for a decade. The jury's out on this one!


(Image: Copyright Control)
Israel's Medigus has launched a revolutionary device to treat acid reflux without surgery.The potential U.S. market alone for the company's endoscope is around 17 million patients who have given up on drug therapy but not yet decided on surgery. The Medigus system enables treatment in an outpatient setting with no incisions. It's endoscope - a surgical tool inserted through the mouth - staples the stomach to the wall of the esophagus to close a gap that allows acid to rise up.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


According to a just published report, over the past 3 years, children in Syria have been tortured, maimed and sexually abused by Bashar Assad's forces; and recruited for combat by the rebels fighting to topple him. Have I missed something? Like the usual suspects on the Left marching to bongo drums every weekend though the capitals of the world, displaying their outrage? No, I've missed nothing. Because the self styled Keepers of the Planet are also the tribe of selective causes: if it's not featuring Israel or one of their pet projects, the hypocritical bastards like George "Che" Galloway & Co, all become invisible!
Oh, I'm so divine lookin' I could fuck my
own Commie ass!