Thursday, December 5, 2013


Team Obama Has A Security Plan For The "West Bank"!
An' then a said: "Israel, I've got your back".
Team Obama, having lost Egypt to the Russians, flip-flopped on Syria, let Islamists murder in Benghazi and given the nod for Iran's Mad Mullahs to build a nuke at their convenience, are now offering some of their collective wisdom to the Israelis? Fuck off!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


USB cable developers have announced with much excitement that a forthcoming version of the connector's plug is to be reversible! It means users of the Universal Serial Bus cables will no longer have to worry which way round the part is facing when plugging it into a device. I guess the geeks did a bit of market research, found out that there are zillions of folk who shouldn't be allowed out alone, and realised that they could make a friggin' fortune form their amazing anti-worry technology.


Iran has been appointed as a member of the executive council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). When you read something like this, you know for sure that those who run planet earth are really escapees from some old asylum.
Staff nurse, call the residents for din-dins...


The fact remains: Surrender-in-Chief Obama agreed to Iranian enrichment and lied to the Israelis, Saudis and everybody else! The Islamist crazies in Tehran will happily go down in nuclear flames if they know they could take everybody else with them! Obama's the nearest thing to 666 this side of Armageddon. 
(Image:Copyright Control)
(Apologies to Winston Churchill)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


The world seems terrified that the Jewish people might pray at their Temple Mound in Jerusalem and the Palestinian Muslims are going ape shit. The fact that the mound for over 3000 years has been the Holy place for Jews - the site of King Solomon's temple etc - seems lost on the general public. Fact: (a) Muhammad NEVER stepped foot in Jerusalem (b) Jerusalem is NEVER mentioned once in the Koran. 
Click the link and see why the Palestinians want it removed!

Monday, December 2, 2013


The Israeli Embassy in Nepal initiated the establishment of a three kilometer hiking trail in the Himalayan Mountains, in cooperation with the Nepalese authorities.The paved trail will be called the “Israel Trail in the Himalayas.” The trail passes through an enchanting forest in a nature reserve and overlooks the beautiful snow-capped mountains. It is located in the Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park near Katmandu, the capital of Nepal.
(Image: Copyright Control)


Back in 2012, Mossad told the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz that the Stuxnet virus was developed to attack Iran's nuke program. Why go public? Because the Obama Administration had already disclosed the program’s existence to the Iranians in order to help Obama's reelection campaign! Now a Super Stuxnet could be on the cards... Meanwhile, Obama's in panic mode. A very unusual creature has been spotted in Washington aka the Donkey & Elephant Show; and it's gathering more supporters from both parties because they very much oppose the Obama & EU surrender monkey package that Obama is trying desperately to flog to them.  
(Image: Copyright Control)