Monday, November 11, 2013


I, the sly Fox of Iran, with salt 'an pepper beard, smiley mouth and twinkly eyes that make the women swoon, have smite you all a great smote. How do I do it?
“I swear by Allah that war is deception,”...“We are fighting our enemy with a kind heart ... Deceive, camouflage, pretend that you’re leaving while you’re walking that way. Deceive your enemy ...” The Koran.
Thank Allah that Obama is a total prat...

Saturday, November 9, 2013


US debt under the Surrender-in-Chief has risen $5 trillion dollars in 5 years. Obama came into office to wreck America - and if you think this is crap - check out just one of the many of his radical Left Bill Ayres for instance. Ayres hosted a fund raising event in his home for Obama, with the Illinois Illusionist present. And who is Ayres? He was a leading light in the Weathermen and was on the FBI's most wanted list for bombing and acts of terrorism . Obama is a cuckoo in the Democrat Party nest, but they are in massive denial about this!
(FBI photo, Ayres left)


Welcome to the UK, where - according to MI5 - thousands of Muslims support al-Qaeda; 34 terror plots thwarted since 7/7 Jihad bombings in London and the Jihad threat is growing  So what do the British politicos do? Ban a well respected American anti-Islamist (Robert Spencer) but allow into the UK a well known Saudi nutter and big time Jihad preacher Mohammed al-Arefe; even though al-Arefe has said: "Devotion to Jihad for the sake of Allah, and the desire to shed blood, to smash skulls, and to sever limbs for the sake of Allah and in defense of his religion, is, undoubtedly, an honor for the believer." 
The British authorities need a friggin' lobotomy; PRONTO!

Find more about the plague of radical Islam here:


According to the Egyptian newspaper El Watan, a group of Egyptian lawyers have submitted a complaint at the International Criminal Court at the Hague, charging U.S. president Barrack Hussein Obama with crimes against humanity.The complaint charges Obama of being an accessory to the Muslim Brotherhood, which incited widespread violence in Egypt both before and after the June 30 Revolution. Given that right from the get-go, Obama has offered every conceivable support to Morsi and the 7th century Islamist Brotherhood, it's no big surprise to me. Bring it on!
(Image: Copyright Control)

Friday, November 8, 2013


When it comes to negotiations, the Fox of Iran and his cunning cohorts are 20 hoofs ahead of the dozy Western donkeys. The Europeans and Obama Brigade are obviously following in the footsteps of Chamberlain's School of Extreme Stupidity. Just when you need a Churchill we've got this bunch of wankers on our end of the see-saw...and boy, will we pay dearly!


If all of you Boycott Israel Brigade were not such a bunch of hypocritical fuckers and you actually stopped using everything that has been developed by Israeli companies, you'd find yourselves back in your shit hole of a cave!
(Image: Copyright Control)

Thursday, November 7, 2013


What the Surrender-in-Chief's failure leads to...
(Image: Copyright Control)
That Obama won't stop Iran attaining nuclear weapons, is now a given. And now an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan could see the Gulf state deploy ready-made nuclear warheads in the event that Iran crosses the nuclear threshold. According to a report by BBC Newsnight, which cites "multiple sources" suggesting "generous" Saudi aid for Pakistan's nuclear own program was given as part of an understanding by the two countries that, if and when Saudi Arabia required use of nuclear warheads, the Pakistanis would provide it to them. "What did we think the Saudis were giving us all that money for? It wasn't charity," said one "senior Pakistani". When Dr Newt Gingrich (European History) stated a couple of years ago that Obama will prove to be the most dangerous president the U.S. will ever have, it has turned out to be an under statement!