Monday, September 16, 2013


Billy Connolly Has Been Diagnosed With Parkinson's Disease.
(Photo: Copyright Control) 
The 70-year-old Scots stand-up comedian/actor recently won his battle with prostate cancer after the disease was caught early, but he has now been told he is showing symptoms of the initial stages of the degenerative nerve disorder - which can include shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement and difficulty with walking. Billy - who has never been known for word mincing - is married to psychologist Pamela Stephenson. He is currently being treated for his Parkinson's disease, which is commonly tackled through the use of levodopa, a chemical that the body converts into dopamine, an organic chemical used by the brain as a neurotransmitter. Billy says it won't stop him filming his latest adventures in New Zealand. Quite right!
For those who are not acquainted with Billy, here's a wee sample:


Hi...I'm as mad as fuck.
Egypt is implementing an unprecedented campaign to rid Muslim mosques of radical Muslim Brotherhood Islamists by prohibiting 55,000 unlicensed clerics from preaching in mosques, the pan-Arab Asharq Al-Awsa reported. Would that Obama & Co could recognize a turd when they smell one...CAIR for a start! (Obama has always the welcome mat out for it). CAIR is full of the odious and is just a front for radical Islam. Go to to read what these snakes are all about.


(Photo: Copyright Control)
So...Obama and the Islamo-fascist Fox of Iran have been exchanging love letters. I fully expect that yet again, Obama the Naive will be badly mugged, similar to the kicking the Kremlin Kop gives him at every opportunity! And Obama has how many more years in Washington playing Mr Gullible?

Friday, September 6, 2013


(Frontpagemagazine) A former Iranian official has threatened the rape and murder of one of Obama’s daughters if the U.S. attacks Syria. This Islamic threat is simply following traditional Islamic rules of Jihad against the infidel. It is safe to assume, that MSNBC, CNN and the NY Times will not any time soon explore why this former Iranian official has made such a degenerate pronouncement. But shedding light on aspects of Islamic theology that inspire and sanction owning slaves and raping “kafir” females can be found at the link below.
I'm no fan of Obama, but this threat against his daughter is despicable, but not surprising, given the mentality of Iran's radical Islamic gangsters.
For the real deal on Islam click on the link:


A Change In The Interstellar Wind.

When you want to know about climate, you won't get the correct answer from Al Gore or the multi million dollar research grant junkies.The real driver for climate change is not human activity, it's our own Milky Way galaxy. Earth wobbles bring forth Ice Ages which wax and wain and along with the other planets which orbit our star the sun, the solar system itself travels through space at 23 kilometers per second. The journey is taking it though a wispy expanse of gas called the Local Interstellar Cloud. Now astronomers have discovered signs of turbulence in the cloud, indicated by a shift in direction of helium atoms and this will be a harbinger of even more dramatic changes in our solar system and our weather here on earth. (Photo: Copyright Control)


(Photo: Copyright Control)
A Syrian rebel leader, Nadeem Baloosh has admitted that his group, Riyadh Al Abdeen, has used chemical weapons on innocent civilians in Syria. To justify this he quotes from the Koran. “Fight them as they fight you.” Baloosh quotes also Osama Bin Laden (whom some rebel groups have openly praised). “We’ll kill their women and children like Sheikh Osama Bin Laden said... until they cease killing our women and kids." We need to stay well out of the Allahu Akbar death cult derby.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Al-Qaeda Vows to Slaughter Christians
 After U.S. ‘Liberates’ Syria!
The only safe place for Christians in the Middle East
is in Israel.
When you hear Obama speak about his non war plan, he seems to believe you can fire off loads of missiles, sail home and The Assad Mafia won't have some unknown response to it! With the other rebel rag tags currently in a Muslim Only death dance with the Assad regime, let us all stay well away from the psycho party 'til it's all over. For whoever wins through, they'll represent just one out of the many shades of Islam's lunatics and won't be inviting the West for hummus dips on the lawn.