Wednesday, June 12, 2013


15 Million Egyptians Sign Anti-Morsi Petition!
(Photo: Copyright Control)
The approach of June 30 will mark the one-year anniversary for the Obama backed Islamo-fascist Morsi administration. The secular opposition plans massive demonstrations to mark the date. Meanwhile, Egypt under the Muslim Brotherhood, continues it's slide into Basketville. "It's a complete meltdown; all the negative news is hitting the market," said Mohamed Radwan, director of international sales at Pharos Securities, "People just have had enough of it and sellers on a daily basis prove that they are making the right decision." Yes, quite.


Ahmed al-Tayeb who is the Imam of al-Azhar and president of al-Azhar University said in a message to Pope Francis: "Before we can resume relations with the Vatican, you should tell the world Islam is a peaceful religion."
(Copyright Control)


Do I need a shave and is my fly open?

Bill Cosby wrote an op-ed for the New York Post and said: "We all ought to be more like Muslims and then the world would become a better place."
 I suspect he needs some very strong meds.

Memo to Bill Cosby: ARE YOU REALLY SURE YOU DIDN'T MEAN BUDDHISTS? For you see, Bill: they tend to sweep a path in front of them in case they step on an ant, as they deem all life sacred; whereas Islam is usually sweeping body parts from their path.
Buddhists in prayer.


KERRY: Demand The PLO aka Fatah, Ratify The Oslo Accords!
Er...remind me again, just what they are?
Way back in 1993, Israel signed the Oslo Accords while The Palestinian Liberation Organization did not ratify the Oslo Accords after Arafat and Abbas signed the agreement on the White House lawn. The agreement, which had been hammered out in Oslo, stipulated mutual recognition between Israel and the PLO. It required the PLO to cease and desist from terrorism, and for the PLO to nullify its covenant, which calls for Israel’s destruction. But Arafat announced in Tunis that he could NOT get a quorum of the executive council of the PLO to ratify the Declaration of Principles of the Oslo Accords and the PLO NEVER DID! Kerry and the Israeli Peace Now brigade should spend some time in the library. So you see, the Palestinians just went through the motions, and as they NEVER SIGNED THEY HAVE NEVER CHANGED; NEVER FOR A MOMENT WAIVERED FROM THEIR TRUE INTENT: TO COMPLETELY DESTROY THE STATE OF ISRAEL! (Photo: Copyright Control)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


TRAITOR: One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason. The narcissist Snowden ticks every box and deserves all that could be coming to him...


Here's what a friggin' stupid prat looks like!
Pastor Bob Roberts of North Wood Mega-Church in Texas partnered up with the Islamo-fascist Muslim Brotherhood Front. The ISNA is identified in a 1991 U.S. Muslim Brotherhood memorandum as one of its fronts. The U.S. government also listed ISNA as a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity when it designated the group an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas-financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation. The so-called “charity” was another U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity that, in the words of Judge Jorge Solis, “operated from within ISNA.” But hey...Obama thinks they're A-OK TOO!


From OBAMA & CO. the bread crumbs lead to the IRS. An article in a WorldNetDaily exposes how the IRS restored tax-exempt status to CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations - which are a front group for Islamist Hamas; yet they are designated a terrorist organisation by the USA and Europe! In 2011, the IRS stripped CAIR of this non-profit status for failing to file non-profit tax returns for years. Yet the IRS restored CAIR’s status despite the fact that CAIR still has not filed all the information required for previous years! Click the link for the FBI case against CAIR! Read all about the bastards at the link below.