Tuesday, May 28, 2013


While Obama talks bollocks about anything remotely to do with Islam, there's a thought-provoking essay written by Narain Kataria, president of the Indian American Intellectuals Forum, sounding a familiar alarm. Titled, “Hinduism Faces Eclipse” it reveals that “the anti-Hindu forces within and without India are working in tandem on an insidious mission to destroy our civilization and culture, and obliterate Hinduism from the Indian soil.” Kataria further contends that Indians are not facing terrorism, but worldwide jihad, which he calls a “fully globalized franchise…working overtime to destroy ALL non-Muslim nations.” Unfortunately for us in the West, our pretty vacant so called leaders are either sleep walking or in major denial that the name of Islam's wold wide game is non other than CALIPHATE!

Sunday, May 26, 2013


The Sheikh promised me that I won't loose my dick.
In a televised address, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said Hezbollah members are fighting in Syria against Islamic extremists who pose a danger to Lebanon! 
You may have noticed that the fella in the photo - with a copy of the Koran and all prepped to go B-O-O-M - is not regarded by the Sheikh of the Death Cult Crew as anything other than a dam fine sport; and certainly not one of these "Islamist extremists"!
(Photo: Copyright Control)

Saturday, May 25, 2013


You are feeling sleepy....very sleepy...just listen to my voice
Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, said today that President Obama “really ought to consider” returning his Nobel Peace Prize Medal immediately, including the “really nice” case it came in. Finally, even among the dims who handed out a very miss-placed gong in the first, they've figured the Illinois Charlatan out! Would that his groupie torch carriers out there might soon get the picture too. Go do your homework, and you'll soon discover that you and the Democratic party have been mugged by a master of disguises! (Photo Copyright Control)


Ten Reasons To Impeach Eric Holder!

Americans, who don't just go "baa" and follow one another into a sheep pen marked either "Democrat or Republican" should have come by now - with all the evidence on display - to view Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. as a symbol of the dishonesty of the Obama administration. As J. Christian Adams, who once worked for Holder at the Department of Justice, writes in Ten Reasons to Impeach Eric Holder, the Attorney General’s policies have endangered the security of America and undermined the integrity of US elections. Holder has overseen a deliberate attack on the Second Amendment and has provided Congress dishonest testimony about it. Given Holders background and seeing whom he associated with, it would be like being surprised that Al Capone became a gangster! (Photo: Copyright Control)


Ever Heard Of This Org? Nope? Read on!
Kenya Address:
P.O. BOX 319
N'giya, Kenya
The Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) was established in 2008 by Abon'go Malik Obama, the half-brother of U.S. President Barack Obama. Abon'go, a Kenyan-born Muslim with twelve wives. BHOF currently identifies its major project as the Siaya Community Self-Help Group. The foundation claims to have funded the construction of a Islamic madrassa in Kenya, but there is no evidence however, that BHOF has actually done any of these things. Financial records indicate that from 2008-10, the foundation received grants and donations totaling $42,923 but awarded no grants. BHOF's website lists the foundation's physical address as 107 S. West St. #401 in Alexandria, Virginia, a location that actually houses only a UPS store. “They probably just rent a mailbox here or receive mail here,” said one UPS employee there in May 2013. According to Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center: “The Obama Foundation raised money on its web page by falsely claiming to be a tax deductible. This bogus charity had not even applied and yet subsequently got retroactive tax-deductible status.” Boehm described Abon'go Malik Obama’s attempt to raise money under the nonprofit banner as “common law fraud and potentially even federal mail fraud.”
(Photo: Copyright Control)


According to a new report, Eric Holder personally signed off on the order to seize phone records from anything and anybody the Obama lead Stasi regime don't like e.g. Fox News. Obama showed how seriously he is taking these allegations by directing Eric Holder to investigate, well, himself!!! (Photo: Copyright Control)


Stockholm Restaurant Torched As Riots Spread.

(Photo: Copyright Control)
Sweden is now reaping the benefits from a totally failed policy of indulging inner city Muslims their every whim while asking nothing from them in return. According to the statistics, most drop out of education early on and are therefore nearly unemployable. Other minorities have been rather successful at integrating into Swedish society...perhaps because they actually want to! The same story is being acted out throughout Europe.
There's a brilliant essay by a Dr Farrukh Saleem. He is the Pakistani Executive Director of the Center for Research and Security Studies, a think tank established in 2007 in Islamabad. Basically, he lists the failures of Islamic society in the 20/21th century. Here's an extract: "Why Muslims are so powerless? Here is why: There are 57 member-countries of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), and all of them put together have around 500 universities; one university for every three million Muslims. The United States has 5,758 universities and India has 8,407. In 2004, Shanghai Jiao Tong University compiled an 'Academic Ranking of World Universities,' and not one university from any Muslim-majority states was in the top-500. As per data collected by the UNDP, literacy in the Christian world stands at nearly 90 per cent and 15 Christian-majority states have a literacy rate of 100 per cent. A Muslim-majority state, by sharp contrast, has an average literacy rate of around 40 per cent and there is no Muslim-majority state with a literacy rate of 100 per cent." He ends a very long list of Islam's failure to come to terms with the modern world with this:
"So, why are Muslims so powerless? Answer: Lack of education. All we do is shout to Allah the whole day, and blame everyone else for our multiple failures." Well said Dr!