Saturday, May 25, 2013


Stockholm Restaurant Torched As Riots Spread.

(Photo: Copyright Control)
Sweden is now reaping the benefits from a totally failed policy of indulging inner city Muslims their every whim while asking nothing from them in return. According to the statistics, most drop out of education early on and are therefore nearly unemployable. Other minorities have been rather successful at integrating into Swedish society...perhaps because they actually want to! The same story is being acted out throughout Europe.
There's a brilliant essay by a Dr Farrukh Saleem. He is the Pakistani Executive Director of the Center for Research and Security Studies, a think tank established in 2007 in Islamabad. Basically, he lists the failures of Islamic society in the 20/21th century. Here's an extract: "Why Muslims are so powerless? Here is why: There are 57 member-countries of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), and all of them put together have around 500 universities; one university for every three million Muslims. The United States has 5,758 universities and India has 8,407. In 2004, Shanghai Jiao Tong University compiled an 'Academic Ranking of World Universities,' and not one university from any Muslim-majority states was in the top-500. As per data collected by the UNDP, literacy in the Christian world stands at nearly 90 per cent and 15 Christian-majority states have a literacy rate of 100 per cent. A Muslim-majority state, by sharp contrast, has an average literacy rate of around 40 per cent and there is no Muslim-majority state with a literacy rate of 100 per cent." He ends a very long list of Islam's failure to come to terms with the modern world with this:
"So, why are Muslims so powerless? Answer: Lack of education. All we do is shout to Allah the whole day, and blame everyone else for our multiple failures." Well said Dr!


(Photo: Copyright Control

The U.S. Senate's 99-0 vote to stand behind Israel if it attacks Iran's nuclear bomb making facilities was intended to send a strong message not just to Israel but to the entire Middle Eastern region as well, said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who sponsored the resolution along with Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.)

Friday, May 24, 2013


(Copyright Control)
As Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei aka The Supreme Thug is the one who really controls the show, why is Obama waiting for the soon to be held elections? The fact that Genocide Joe has to stand down and some other Islamo-fascist fuck face is elected in his place won't change a thing. The Illinois Illusionist aka Obama is running out of time. He will, very shortly, have to stop The Islamist Supreme Thug & Co's nuke ambitions with a few newly minted super bunker busters - given Obama's fine words on the subject - or be exposed as a total BS merchant! 
PS: Rumor has it that Obama is going to sub contract the bunker buster job to the Israelis...


The Obama administration is TOTALLY silent as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) passes its most recent UN Resolution that unravels global consensus to support freedom of speech! From 1999-2010, the OIC succeeded in passing its “defamations of religions” resolutions, which ostensibly would protect Islam from all criticism, including true statements of fact. OIC retained its long term goal to protect Islam from “defamation” and indeed to criminalize all speech that shed a negative light on Islam or Muslims. Resolution 16/18 turned out to be a tactical move by the OIC to bring the West one step closer toward to realizing its goal of achieving global blasphemy laws.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


'Muslim patrols’ have tried to enforce Sharia Law in parts of London since January. Announcing their presence by calling themselves “vigilantes implementing Islam against your own necks”, one bearded young man said: “We are Muslims who patrol the area, forbidding evil.” Police in East and South London have received a series of complaints after these self-styled ‘Muslim patrols’ have accosted Londoners for what the religion of peace and tolerance regard as wearing un-Islamic clothing, drinking alcohol or simply straying too close one of their mosques. I suppose telling them to go fuck themselves could be an opening line. Memo to:The Jihad wanna-be tossers. This is Britain, NOT one of your 7th century Sharia run nightmares; and please do feel free to piss off to one sometime soon.


(Copyright Control)

The hacking to death of a British soldier is not a surprise to anyone except Cameron and the other Islam apologists in the West. Anyone who actually knows the mission statement of Islam is not. Islam was founded on death and conquest. The so called radical Islamist engaged of Jihad is actually being TRUE to the call of Mohammad and his mission of world domination. Islam is not about "love thy neighbour" and "turning the other cheek"; nether is it Buddhist, Hinduism or Judism. It's about this: In the Koran (60:4) “Battle, animosity and hatred – directed from the Muslim to the infidel – is the foundation of our religion.” Or, as Abdullah Azzam, bin Laden’s mentor, put it: “Glory does not build its lofty edifice except with skulls. Honor and respect cannot be established except on a foundation of cripples and corpses. Jihad and the rifle alone, no negotiations, no conferences and no dialogue."