Thursday, March 28, 2013


The Obama Administration has quietly made it EASIER for Saudis to bypass normal passport security controls at major U.S. airports. After the September 11 terrorist attacks, Saudi Arabia acknowledged 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens. Considering Saudi Arabia along with Qatar are the two major world wide terror funders, giving White House access to Muslim Brotherhood front groups and other Islamist supporters only shows how the three stooges: Obama, Hagel and Kerry, are a total liability, devoid of ANY understanding as what the self proclaimed Islamist agenda is!
(Photo: Copyright Control)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


White House immigration reform advocate says: Identity fraud not a crime, illegals, who are they?

I'm not in a mind to listen to this Obama sponsored piffle. What don't they understand? If you go to the U.S. over a wall, through a tunnel or dropped from a hot air balloon, you're frigging ILLEGAL. And therefore it follows that, unless you're a genuine refugee, the only rights you THINK you're entitled to as an economic migrant can still be found way back in that lovely motherland you've just done a runner from. For as sure as shit, you shouldn't have any in the US of A! And I thought the Palestinians were top brand bleaters...
(Cartoon/Chart: Copyright Control)


Israel is changing the world - for the better! Through hard work and determination, this desert nation is a global leader in renewable energy, agricultural innovation, medical and *technology breakthroughs that improve the quality of life all over the world. *The Curiosity rover on Mars has Israeli software on board.(Photos: Copyright Control)


(Photo: Copyright Control)

Al Sharpton's MSNBC talk show is sponsored by a rifle manufacturer! Sharpton: ubiquitous as dog do do and  off the race wall as a certain Swiss bird clock, can now reward his mouthy self with first prize in the Hypocrites R Us League!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Pro Democracy Movement in November 2012

The Islamo-fascist Muslim brotherhood are arresting  pro democracy leaders and commencing their real agenda: the destruction of any secular opposition to the goal of a Sharia Law 7th century Islamic state in Egypt. Dissidents are increasingly facing the same sort of selective law enforcement that victimized pro-democracy activists and human-rights campaigners under the regime of former President Hosni Mubarak, whose ouster - with the tacit agreement of Obama - paved the way for Morsi's Islamo-fascist regime.(Photo: Copyright Control)
Obama & Co will go down in history, as at best, crushingly naive to the obvious outcomes to the so called Arab Spring.


One less Death Cult clown on the streets...
This Islamist toss-pot wanted to wage “Jihad” against a South Seattle military office but his plan was derailed by a Muslim child-molesting friend. Latif was sentenced to18 years in prison. And Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif's plan? Kill as many defense workers as possible before being shot dead or captured. 
Q: Why should American tax payers fork out to keep this Jihad jerk-off  banged up in the brig when they have all this newly ordered ammo? (Photo: Copyright Control)

Monday, March 25, 2013


DHS (that's the Department of Homeland Security in the U.S.) has placed an order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammo - enough to run an Iraq type war for 24 years! Meanwhile, Obama & Co haven't enough dimes for doughnuts at the White House or pay teachers a proper wage. With all that ammo, are Team Obama planning a special party for all the non believers? (Photo: Copyright Control)
Woe unto you non believers...