Wednesday, November 28, 2012


At least 34 people are reported to have been killed (in a mainly Druze and Christian community) and many injured by two car bomb explosions in a south-eastern district of Syria's capital, Damascus. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a UK-based activist group, put the death toll at 47, including women and children. The bomber/s were either sent by Assad's Death Cult Crew or the other motley Muslims fighting the difference. I'm still waiting for the dime to drop for fans of the so called Arab Spring. Oh....and not as much as a mention nor a row boat has been sent by the Hamas loving Flotilla fuckers for the 500,000 Syrian men, women and children now in refugee camps. WHY? As if I didn't know...

(Photo: Copyright Control)


Rodger "Capo" Cohen.
Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels once stated, “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.” No one is more keenly aware of this than fascism’s spawned offspring, Hamas and its Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. But when Hamas offers its falsehoods for consumption, no one – except the Arabs of the Middle East and their most ardent Third World and Leftist allies – take them seriously. The problem however becomes more acute when a perceived, semi respectable columnist espouses extremist propaganda and Roger Cohen does precisely that with his latest November 22 screed. He's Islam's *Lord Haw Haw for the 21st century! (Note: *Lord Haw Haw as he was known, was a UK citizen who broadcast for the Nazis during WW2...the Allies hung the bastard!)
(Photo: Copyright Control)


The Army private accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of military and diplomatic documents to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks is expected to testify in court for the first time as early as Wednesday, part of an attempt by his attorney to convince a judge that his earlier pre-trial confinement was unlawful.
One self righteous,  above the law tosser!
His supporters - the usual suspects -  of Pfc. Bradley Manning are whinging on about the treasonable little ego freak not getting his favorite food, the wrong color of blankie on his straw bed, and no story from mommy at bedtime; all according to them constitute mistreatment while he's being held in the brig at Marine Corps Base Quantico. In the good old days, we would have just shot the smug little stop moaning already!
(Photo: Copyright Control)


 There’s a concept in combat theory called the OODA loop – Observe, Orient, Decide, Act – that accounts for every decision made during a battle.The great Chinese general Sun Tzu – whose book The Art of War is required reading in military theory, politics, and business – argued that disruption of the enemy was among the best ways to win a battle without even needing to fight or to make victory easier if combat became necessary. There is no better way to disrupt the enemy than to be “inside” his OODA loop; to impact his decision-making by creating confusion or false impressions.
There may be no greater example of being inside someone else’s OODA loop than the way the Arab and Muslim world reacts to Mossad. An eagle found with a Hebrew tag is enough to get them all in a tiswaz. Allowing the enemies of Israel to have as much as a 30 minute snooze without moving their location is the name of the game; for the fear of there own demise creates even more paranoia than a 1000 tanks parked on their border.


Obama's love-in with the Islamist Bros might soon be over. With fears mounting that the deeply divided country is on the verge of another political meltdown, tens of thousands of protesters marched on downtown Cairo to challenge the recent decree issued by Morsi which grants him near limitless powers. Sporadic clashes broke out yesterday morning between protesters and security forces near the American embassy. Fighting continued through the day, and a 54-year-old man later died after inhaling tear gas.

Anyone who's deluded enough to think that a 70% vote for the Dark Ages will be overturned by a big crowd of drum beaters will be very disappointed. "Mohamed Morsi has no vision," said Taiseer Fahmy, an Egyptian actress, as she sat inside her tent in the middle of Tahrir Square. "There is no plan from his government except Sharia Law." The 59-year-old, who heads the Equality and Development Party, said she was worried about the idea of theocratic rule. "Hosni Mubarak was corrupt, but Mohamed Morsi belongs to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and not to Egypt." The decree issued by Morsi last Thursday has whipped up a firestorm in Egyptian politics. His opponents accused the new president of a power grab. Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood are of course, the parent company of Hamas; and this time last week he was basking in near universal praise from the liberal media and the eternally bewildered of the planet, for calling off his Hamas pit bulls. "Mubarak with a beard" the crowd chanted. Are you watching Obama?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Son of Hamas Founder: Toppling Hamas “Necessary for Humanity”

Mosab Hassan Yousef, otherwise known as the Green Prince, who is the son of one of the founders of Hamas and who formerly worked undercover with the Shin Bet to stop terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, believes that overthrowing the Hamas regime is a necessity. Yousef asserted,“Let’s not forget that our enemy is a barbarian enemy and they are using women and children as a shield. Hamas was born to destroy. Hamas does not know how to build. I doubt they will be able to build a modern Palestinian state and hope their lies will be exposed to the Palestinian public.” Earlier this year, Mosab Hassan Yousef visited the Israeli Knesset at the invitation of Druze MK Ayoub Kara. There, he told Israeli MKs, “Hamas murders not only Israelis but also Palestinians whose political stance is different from that which its group promotes; that is, its radical religious outlook in which Islam is the solution to the world’s problems.” Also this year, speaking at the Museum of Tolerance, Yousef asserted that the two main goals of Hamas are the destruction of Israel and building an Islamic state on the rubble of what is Israel. At the Museum of Tolerance, Yousef claimed that Hamas’ treatment of the Palestinian people is what motivated him to change his position from supporting Hamas to supporting Israel. "Hundreds of prisoners were tortured, tens were killed. And I witnessed all of that.”  


Pravda writer Xavier Lermer made a bold statement over the weekend: "The communists have won in America with Barack Obama!" Why so? "Because, much like Russia’s past communist leaders, Americans re-elected him for a second term without so much as a stated economic strategy for success.” Lermer also wrote of Obama, “Christianity in the U.S. is under attack as it was during the early period of the Soviet Union. Mr Obama is a Communist without question, promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so. How shrewd he is with his cult of personality; mesmerizing those who cannot go beyond their ignorance. They will continue to follow him like those fools who still praise Lenin and Stalin in Russia. Obama’s fools and Stalin’s fools share the same drink of illusion.” Out of the mouths of babes and Pravda...who ever would have thought it!
(Photo: Copyright Control)