Saturday, January 31, 2015


On Friday, the White House condemned Israeli plans to build 450 new "settler homes" in the West Bank (actually, it's Judea and Samaria; Bible check it) as "illegitimate and counterproductive." 
Bibi, the Israeli PM should point out to Barry the Faker that he's on rather shaky ground to be talking "illegitimate". Bibi could quite rightly hold a placard up to the White House trolls with this as content: When the U.S. honors every Treaty with Indigenous Native Americans that every past U.S. administration broke; allows Native Americans to return to their ancestral lands fully compensated; re-writes U.S. history with a smidgen of truth re ethnic cleansing, two timing deals and every dirty stunt pulled on Native Americans by his not so illustrious predecessors; all this before the PM of Israel need listen to any lecture concerning territorial rights! 
Mr President: we'll be left with a few swamps
and a bit of rocky stuff. I suggest we need to 
invade Mexico if we hand most of it back!
The Jewish people have a 3000 year old title deed to their little strip of land; where's yours Obama? 

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