Saturday, January 31, 2015


On Friday, the White House condemned Israeli plans to build 450 new "settler homes" in the West Bank (actually, it's Judea and Samaria; Bible check it) as "illegitimate and counterproductive." 
Bibi, the Israeli PM should point out to Barry the Faker that he's on rather shaky ground to be talking "illegitimate". Bibi could quite rightly hold a placard up to the White House trolls with this as content: When the U.S. honors every Treaty with Indigenous Native Americans that every past U.S. administration broke; allows Native Americans to return to their ancestral lands fully compensated; re-writes U.S. history with a smidgen of truth re ethnic cleansing, two timing deals and every dirty stunt pulled on Native Americans by his not so illustrious predecessors; all this before the PM of Israel need listen to any lecture concerning territorial rights! 
Mr President: we'll be left with a few swamps
and a bit of rocky stuff. I suggest we need to 
invade Mexico if we hand most of it back!
The Jewish people have a 3000 year old title deed to their little strip of land; where's yours Obama? 

Friday, January 30, 2015


 For the parents of the 100+ Pakistani school children whom the Taliban massacred but a few months ago, it must be very reassuring to hear how the U.S. President and his weasel word lackeys designate the Taliban: They are not a terrorist organisation, but use terrorist tactics. So I suppose Barry & Co will be saying next that Islamic State are not real terrorists, but just over zealous, misguided Muslim folk with attitude. There is something extraordinarily repelling, disgusting and immoral about the present U.S. administration in the PC way they twist and destroy language for their own political agenda.  What with the Bitch of Benghazi's poll numbers in good health, it makes one muse that most American voters (not unlike their European counter parts) should never be let lose near a ballot box. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


A Barry "hit" team have arrived in Israel . They are a sinister group of political operatives who's job it is to shaft the political opposition any which way; and on this particular mission, it's Benjamin Netanyahu. But since when has Israel become the 51st state, you may be thinking? It matters not to Barry's Bhoys. El Presidenti For Life as Barry would like to be, has his Dirty Tricks Inc. in the land of milk and honey, to go chew the balls off Bibi. They will be playing their part in the black arts of poisoning political wells; and if not enough dirt can be found in Bibi's back yard, they've as sure as shit brought a big bag of it from the Illinois School of Scally-Scams. You see folks, if anyone from Israel had dared to have taken an nibble from Barry's biscuit barrel on the run up to his re-election, the Dems' men in black would have gone broken a few political bones. I hope the Israelis go snap a goodly few of Barry's thugs! 
The guy on the left is in jail; the guy on the right fuckin' should be!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Thousands of Britons and tourists were put at risk from radioactivity when Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned, a public inquiry has heard. True/False? I'm not an expert on such matters, but it's a given that all Intelligence agencies from whatever country, knock each other's agents or indeed anyone off, if it concerns what they regard as a major national security issue. Actually threatening to or being totally stupid enough for your ego to open it's big fat gob when it needs to be closed for eternity e.g. Capt Bob a.k.a. Robert Maxwell, will  most definitely shorten ones life. That being the case, why is that narcissistic little bastard, better known as Snowden the Shit, still doing chat show engagements? Probably just not cricket for the Yanks to whack the traitorous tosser who's currently ensconced in the buxom bosom of Mother Russia. 

Monday, January 26, 2015


Just what Greece didn't need was a big vote for the Lefty Woombat Party. It has "promised to stop austerity" as if "austerity" was a seldom used bus route to be axed in a jiffy. The Greek Woombats, like all lefty brigaders, are economic illiterates with a book of Marx stuffed down their under pants. Anti-Israel is a given, and their pals - the Koranic of Allah - being similar in mentality, fits well. Greece got itself into this mess by living for years totally beyond their financial means; very much like Yanks, but without the advantage of dollar printing presses going 24/7. The EU has got to boot Greece out of the Euro Zone; and if the Greeks think times are hard now, just let them live with the currency of tooth fairies and learn how Cuban and Venezuelan folk endure!
Venezuelan folk day-queuing for life's little food!
And the Lefty government in the workers paradise has just
banned night Q's! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Greetings, gullible voters; if only I'd been born in Cuba...
Obama will not be among world leaders at the 70th anniversary ceremony of the liberation of Auschwitz.
Barry 'I've got your back Israel' Obama is much too busy; but he found a moment to creep to that dead sponsor of terror, king Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis - our pretend staunch ally - are passing on millions of dollars to Al Qaeda as part of a Mafia type protection pay-up; the idea being, they don't get their asses blown away but we do! But I digress. As Barry has been the only US president to stay away from D-Day commemorations in Europe, it is no surprise he can't be arsed yet again. How many more months to suffer this narcissistic, incompetent waste of spacer? Too friggin' many!

Friday, January 23, 2015


Grossly over paid with enough Lycra covering their ample asses to drape across the Rockies, seemingly the lads have had a spot of bother with their balls. Not enough air or something. Given that each day they fumble their footie more often than the wife, just how long did it take for the NFL head-bangers to come to that air deficit conclusion? Jez...


Dutch ex-minister Herman Heinsbroek said : 
'World peace if Israeli Jews move to US'.
Where do you begin to explain to this total twat that even if Israel didn't exist, the Caliphate Crew of Islam would still be after his stupid, infidel ass. He and his ilk are the reason why Europe is a fucking rats nest of Jihad jerk-offs!
 Anyone got a spare prayer mat?


That Saudi so called king has popped his camel clogs and the BBC, Barry Obama and others are sounding like a chorus of wah-wah Arab women. Saudi Arabia; what a hellish pit of a place! The incubator for Al Qaeda and all the other 40 shades of  Islam's allahu akbar, 7th century psychos. If not for their oodles of oil, would anyone give a flying fuck? Well, yes. Many in the West watched far too much "noble Arab" tosh like Laurence of Arabia. A more devious bunch of tent dwelling, back stabbing camel keepers would be hard to find! 

Thursday, January 22, 2015


What's this? I ordered the surrender monkey special.
American Sniper has broken box office records that had been set by blockbusters like Avatar, Passion and Hangover Part II . By the film refusing to demonize American soldiers or to spin conspiracy tales about the war, American Sniper has pissed off  90% of Hollywood's usual suspects a.k.a the west coastal progressives. The very same folk who jump into roles with mindless gratuitous violence, car chases and crashes ever 90 seconds and a script with a chimp credit; but hey, we're just making a living and that's cool!
Oh, Barry. Please say the naught words just once
for your Tommy-kins...
Meanwhile, over on the east coast - that lefty Obama leg humper of the NYT, Tom Friedman, has actually been throwing stale bagels at Barry.  Even Friedman has been up-chuckin' at his hero, who has consistently failed to call a quacking duck a duck. Each day, Barry and his mouth pieces contort the English language desperately trying to find new ways so as not to utter Barry's forbidden words: Radical Islam!  But for how much longer?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Anyone who watched or listened to the State of the Union tosh dished out by the Illinois Illusionist won't have been surprised. If anyone has managed not to place the blame on Islam's psychos and their Caliphate Crew, it's the current U.S. President. One must hope, that the FBI, CIA and NSA never -  except in lip service - ever took on any of Barry's baloney. If ever a President deserved to be totally ignored, especially in matters of foreign policy and national security, then it's surely been Barry.


A new study compiled by the white coats of science, states that drinking four cups of coffee a day may protect against malignant melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer. Study participants who drank four or more cups of coffee daily were 20 per cent less likely to develop malignant melanoma . All very good, but like all of these "studies" the first question to ask is, who's funding it? If say, Coffee Bean Growers Inc. shell out research grant moolah, it might come as no surprise they suggest drinking big black steaming mugs in volumes similar to the late Frank Zappa. Or they may hint, it may make one impervious to a plutonium leak. You might have noticed the words may, perhaps and if, abound in most newly minted studies - whatever the subject under investigation. If one takes the food and drink findings of every study as gospel - over three score years and ten - you'll be performing more U-turns than a London taxi driver in diet and life style. Everything in moderation, as yer granny may have said...
I'm sure I've found the holy grail; but first I'll need a few million
of you to die to prove my empirical evidence.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Greetings, earthlings. I'm Jacky L and boy does
LA need me!
Jack Lindblad, a potential US Senate candidate for the Green Party stated - through channeling the voice of the High Priestess of Krakatoa - that he was recently ejected from a Flat Earth Democrat Truthers meeting because he voiced his own theory about the Paris murders. Seems whack-o Jack's view was a twirl too far even for the likes of the zombie Dems of Barry the Faker. And Jack's theory? The real planners behind the brutal attacks in Paris were not Islamic peace-niks; the killings were carried out on the orders of US and Mossad agents, who controlled these nice, Koranic luvin' Muslim boys, by means of a dick-head chip implant.  Jack - who recently returned from a mind entanglement trip to planet Zog - confirmed that a moonbeam used telepathic means to convey yet another revelation to him; the re-election of Israeli PM Bibi being the sole objective behind the Paris attacks. Lefties and Green Beaners have a long history of falling off the hillside of planet politics.

Monday, January 19, 2015


If anyone still needs persuading that most EU leaders and their political rubber stampers understand next to nothing about Islam and are as much good as a glass eye at keeping our peasant asses safe, carry on reading the piece in italics.
The European Union has called for an anti-terror alliance with Arab countries to boost cooperation and information-sharing in the wake of deadly attacks and arrests across Europe. Federica Mogherini, the EU foreign policy chief, said on Monday that "we need an alliance. We need to strengthen our way of cooperating together". Some EU ministers emphasised the importance of working with Muslim countries, rather than blaming them for the problem.
Memo to EU Minister Mogherini: 
Q: Where does Minister Mogherini think Islam's ruff boys get their funding from? Any bells ringing in Brussels? Nope? 
Your answer should be: The very countries which you think you "need  an alliance" with! They are the  paymasters for Islam's barbarians and Crew Caliphate. Open a history book, dumbo.

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Do I change at Penn Station?
On Saturday, Egyptian security sources reported that they'd found a mega Hamas tunnel, running under the Gaza-Egypt border. Not surprisingly, the subway to hell contained a large number of explosives, mortar shells and the like. As I type, the  Egyptians will be blowing the shit out of all the Islamo-fascist mole-rats diligent work. The tunnel was said to be the largest in the area, running for nearly a 1000 meters. It's entrance was located inside a house  in the Bronx that belonged to an Egyptian smuggler. However, the owner of the house managed to leg it before the security forces grabbed his ass. Abdul's house will be given the same big-bang treatment as the afore mentioned. Speaking of houses, for some weeks the Egyptians have been bulldozing hundreds of houses at the border, in order to make it easier for them to see what the Bastards of Hamas are up to. The Pali death cult have been helping every black flag Islamist group who roam the Sinai, killing Egyptian military personnel. As you can imagine, Hamas have pissed off the folk who reside in the land of the  pyramids. Interestingly, not a squeak from all the usual suspects, given the extent of Egyptian landscaping.
Where the fuck am I, Mr Donkey?

Friday, January 16, 2015


With anti-terror squads kicking in doors across Europe, it turns out not surprisingly, that the door busters weren't looking for Buddhist or Hare Krishna folk. But it always surprises Barry Obama & Co that it's Muslims they're following the scent trail of. How many ways can one say it, so Barry and his band of lefty/liberals finally flip off their in denial switch; then they too could let the phrase sound forth from their currently clamped shut jaws: "it's always friggin' Koran carriers!"


With oil production surging and waning growth, the world is awash with oil. Oilfield services giant Schlumberger plans to cut 9,000 jobs as the global collapse in crude oil prices crimps production in 2015 and perhaps even longer. The cuts — nearly 8% of Schlumberger's 120,000 workers, were announced Thursday "to better align with anticipated activity levels for 2015,'' the company said. 
It's no coincidence that as America was about to become an oil exporter (due in part, to America's massive investment in their shale reserves) that the Saudis kept and still keep pumping, thus helping to push the price of oil to the floor. But why? Well, the Arabs are shitting themselves about loosing their oil domination, so what better way to keep their pole position than strangle the born again American oil industry at birth! The goat herd camel jockeys can afford to keep pumping 24/7 glut or no glut, which in the long run, is most definitely not in Western or U.S. oil producers interest. So do stop all that cheering about falling gas prices at the pump; it might be your job to go next! 


 A never talks Intel secrets to ma Muslim
Jihadist friends  anyone. So we're comin' for
your infidel ass rest easy
 fellow caliphate lovin' bros
That Islam friendly, useful idiot rich bitch - also know as Nancy Pelosi - has struck again. It ain't surprising in the least that the Muslim Brotherhood linked Andre Carson would get another plum number from Barry Obama's administration. After all, he has all the right opinions. Carson (photo left) once said that “9/11 was tough on Muslims.” Did he even mention the victims and the 9/11 families?  The Muslim Bro fan once echoed the still fashionable view among Leftists and Islamic supremacists that the real victims of jihad terror are the Muslims. The poor wee souls are subjected to suspicion and scrutiny in the wake of every jihad attack. (Well there is a solution: stop your friggin' loonies from bombing and murdering around the globe). But the Left and Carson are much more concerned about “Islamophobia” than about jihad terrorism itself; so it is not hard to see why Pelosi would admire and favor the likes of the very dodgy Carson. How stupid can some Democrats be? Off the Richter Scale with this dumb tart!

Thursday, January 15, 2015


The Saudis are frantically building a 600 mile wall and ditch along their border with Iraq (well the johnny foreigner labor force is doing the building bit). The Saudi Wonder Wall is an all out attempt to insulate themselves from the mad, bad neighbors they sort of helped create. But before the land of the sheikh an stay-at-home wifies get too far into this Keep I.S. Out project, I'd like to point out something that's pretty bleedin' obvious. Hands up anyone who has heard of the Maginot Line? Yep, it was built by the French you smart asses. Started after WW1, the grand plan being to keep Fritz out of gay Paree; but the unsporting Bosch came around the side of Frenchie's wall anyway; through Belgium actually. Ditto will happen again, only this time the countries could be either Kuwait or Jordan, and the Nazi's will be Islamic State. Spot the difference.


You may have noticed that the liberal media - after Paris, even they can't keep their heads up their collective asses - have found a way around that awkward, radical Islam bit. 
OK, lads. Once more with feeling: allahu akbar!!!
You nailed it that time, guys.
Now, whose for a bacon sandwich down
Outrages by Islamic State and Boko Haram - according to   the likes of the CNN and MSNBC news spinners - are actually being carried out by fake Muslims. The death cult crews of Islam are not really anything to do with Islam. In fact, they are not Muslims at all; they only think they are! It's like the captain of the Titanic saying; Nobody to the life boats,we've only rammed a marsh mallow. 
Along with their fuhrer Barry Obama - who's a top duckin' an' divin' act- most of his sycophantic liberal army are all lip syncing the same message: Nope; no Muslims doin' them bad ass things! Strangers to truth, indeed.
 No Muslims here, we're all just Hollywood extras...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Once-upon-a-time there was a bit of a scruffy guy with kinda wild hair who played the violin a bit to relax. Oh...and he came up with a cute new theory which trashed our view of reality and what we thought we knew about the universe. He must have seen the $7 trillion + debt added in just 6 years in Barry Obama's future spacetime; because Albert's words of wisdom are custom written for the likes of the Grand Wazoo from Illinois. 


The UN's rep for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Ufuk Gokcen, (not in photo) has been exposing to anyone who will listen, that at it's core, Islam is totally against the very concept of free speech!  So who's in the Muslim World Gaggers Club? It's comprised of the 57 Muslim-majority nations and the Palestinian Authority; and they are the largest bloc at the UN. When they meet on the head-of-state level, they literally speak for the Muslim world, (so their's no mystery to all these anti-Israel resolutions, then.) After the Charlie Hebdo attack, Gokcen is now calling for more implementation of the OIC-sponsored UN Human Rights Council Resolution 16/18 and the follow-up Rabat Plan of Action that would criminalize the very type of speech that Charlie Hebdo engaged in! 
Islam: gagging the world with help 
from all the useful idiots.


French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, in a speech that drew several standing ovations, from no doubt, those very same hand-wringing weaklings who had previously been against doing anything to upset Frances 6.5 million Muslims. PM Valls went all braveheart and called for the intelligence capabilities and anti-terrorism laws to be strengthened; previously admitting to "clear failings" over the attackers. No kiddin', PM Valls. And you'd better add to your your new founded zeal the 700+ sharia law run, no-go areas! It's beyond staggering stupidity to have allowed any group - from whatever background  - to decide to run their own wee state within-a-state. Appeasement NEVER works, you wankers!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


CNN still leads the field of surrender monkeys re showing any cartoon of that 7th century pedo-psycho. Meanwhile Charlie H, who had a usual print run of 65,000, is going to roll off up to 3 million copies of it's latest edition! Stuff that up yer Kornic irrigation you sad, retarded bastards! 

Monday, January 12, 2015


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it a kosher store and Jewish folk in the shop, four of whom were murdered? And then there was the kosher bloke too who was part of Team Charlie. Why then did the French gov do everything but arrest Bibi on touch down. I would have though that being the PM of the Jewish State, with five Jews murdered in Paris, it would have punted Bibi up the pecking order. When the likes of some dubious folk like Abbas and some "heads of state" or their stand-in get top billing, can't the French gov just for once, keep their Dreyfus dreamin' feelings to themselves?
The Jewish officer who was framed,
and stitched up by some of the usual
suspects, only much later to be
given a full pardon.


Turkish Airlines carried more passengers to and from Israel than any other foreign airline in 2014, according to the Israel Airport Authority's annual report. According to the report, the Turkish carrier flew 690,000 passengers of all nationalities in or out of Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion International Airport last year. 
What's behind such high numbers? Could it be that the present Turkey regime - being such rock solid mates with all the various shades of allahu akbars around the middle east - you've much more chance of having Turkey's bomb-friendly Abdullahs not planting one on a Turk flight; thus you and your luggage arrive in one piece for that sunny, Holy Land vacation.


There were 40 world leaders including UK PM Cameron and German Chancellor Merkel; but Barry-Islamist-Lite-Obama and Clown Kerry were otherwise engaged. Some of these so called "world leaders" included those who roast Charlie types in their own neck of the middle east Muslim sand dunes. What a bunch of fuckin' hypocrites and chancers most of 'em are!
If you need to pee or plop, go now.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Q: Why has every French government allowed Islam to become a defacto state-within-a-state, with seven hundred, (yes 700) Muslim enclaves across France where Sharia Law is the law; and in these 7th century time-warps of doom, the French police don't/won't police?
A: Try the word appeasement in yer crossword!

Friday, January 9, 2015


The "religious" leader (left) of the Shi'ite Muslim terrorist poodle of Iran a.k.a. Hezbollah, said without any hint of irony, that, "Islamist terrorists had done more harm to Islam than any cartoon or book". A reference one presumes to the attack and murder carried out by some of  his opposition - known as Team Sunni - on the editorial staff of French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. In the middle east, The Shits V The Sunni Sphincters can't ever have enough bombs and bullets to kill each other with - which is certainly A-OK with moi. For if they ever settle their inhouse tiff, we in the west and elsewhere, will have even more of the Plague of Islam to concern ourselves with. 
Flicking through the tv news yesterday, the liberal channel anchors covering the Paris attack, were awash with their two fav words: "backlash" and even better, "Islamophobia". A cute marketing word coined a few years ago by non other than the very Islamist Muslim Brotherhood's  PR Department. The anchors and their panels were in overdrive; useful idiots indeed are CNN and the scurrilous MSNBC. As long as the lefty and liberal tendency continue reporting  from their alternative universe that blames us in the West for the behavior of Islam's asylum escapees, we will be rolling that big heavy ball up hill.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


US director of National Intelligence James Clapper said the recent cyberattack against Sony Pictures, which Washington has blamed on North Korea, is the most serious such attack ever against US interests. Er...I think Mr Clapper should have crossed checked with the FBI; for the've said that the Sony attack was not such hot shit; and that those individuals who launched it might very well be caught. Do send a wee postcard to each other from time to time.
Dear James, try checkin' with us before catching another crab.

Meanwhile, Barry Obama's managed yet again to exclude the Islam word, when speaking about the French terror attack on liberty and freedom of speech. Here's a clue Barry - who's a proven Islam appeaser - that the perpetrators of the Paris outrage weren't some fringe Buddhist sect. The terrorists shouted out: "Allahu Akbar" and "We've avenged the Prophet"  Do these words ring a bell, Barry?


Oh my Messenger, what a big tongue you have!
The Associated Press and  the other so called "free media" bravehearts  are censoring photos of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons that Islam's psychos used to justify their terrorist attack on the French satirical magazine’s office on Wednesday. CNN and CBC in Canada also said they would not publish photos that show the cartoon, and the New York Daily News blurred the image in one of its photos. The AP cropped out the drawings from an existing picture of Charlie Hebdo’s editor Stéphane Charbonnier, who was killed along with at least 11 others in Wednesday’s attack. CNN issued a memo advising its staff to avoid publishing images that show the cartoons. 


Wednesday, January 7, 2015


The shooting by Islamists at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, were murders waiting to happen. The French satirical weekly newspaper featuring cartoons, reports, polemics and jokes that take the piss out of Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, politics and culture - among other issues - is not something the mentality of Islam's supremest bastards can ever accept. The magazine showing them up as the degenerate 7th century death cult that they indeed are, was bound to be a truth too far for Islam's sensitivities. Fuck them!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


 An estimated 670,000 children in Syria are being deprived of education after Islamic State psychos ordered all schools closed in order for IS to introduce their own curriculum. Hence forth a school day for these most unfortunate children will look a bit like this: A sing-song to the death cult Messenger, then a bit of Infidel and Muslim slacker spotting, followed by it's fast-track-to-Allah video time!
Hey kids; why not surprise your mom and
dad by never comin' home again?
Q: There's around 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, so where in the fuck are the so called moderates? 
I'd have thought that at least 10 would be marching in the streets with placards saying: 

Monday, January 5, 2015


Ayatollah Khamenei controls $billions of ill gotten dollars by having his Islamist capos do his bidding. It's Khamenei's personal  robbin' hoodwinkin' empire, known to the financial suits of the world as SETAD: and it's holdings of real estate, corporate stakes and other assets total about $95 billion, Reuters has calculated. That estimate is based on an analysis of statements by Setad officials, data from the Tehran Stock Exchange and company websites, and information from the U.S. Treasury Department. 
Read the full story? Copy and paste this link:


Could the Arab oil era be coming to an end thus sliding their economies to dooms-ville along with mullah-vile Iran? Fact is, the time is coming when they won't have many spare spondoolies to keep funding Islam Terror Inc to the same extent. For decades, Europe has been the Gulf Arabs' batty boys because of black gold buying politicians, bribing companies, taking over the economy and gaining political power which was always used against Israel; but as Mr Zimmerman once sang, 'Times They Are  a-Changin'. Why so? Well for a start, the Yanks are about to become oil exporters! Yep, you read right; and with Canadian shale and totally mega good-crude finds in friendly, down under Oz, the Sheikhs-of-Shitsville could well be on their way to once more being the goat herdin' Jonnys they always were. Allah be praises!
Once I  had a palace, funded a Jihad or two
Now brother can you spare some Semtex...

(With apologies to: lyricist E. Y. "Yip" Harburg and composer Jay Gorney, "Brother, Can You Spare A Dime" ) 

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Pali Brigade leader Abbas’s political/terror party a.k.a. Fatah the Fucks, had the image left - a mountain of Jewish skulls - on its Facebook page. By meer coincidence, the image just happened to coincide with the Islamic death cult crew's 50th anniversary. The idea that Fatah want to apply for membership of the International Criminal Court (so they can drag Israel there) is like the Nazis wanting to be in charge of the Nuremberg Trials!
What do you mean we're the ones on trial!

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Apple: what more can one say about it's clever marketing of fashion, plastic and chip. But all is not well on the pews. In the Church of Scientology Apple. Indeed, some of the long term faithful have finally awoken from their deep coma to discover that their super-dooper over priced product - the one they queued all week for when that newbie was arriving in the 5th ave Temple@NYC - is not really so kosher after all. The Apple-ites, having turned their brains back on, are actually thinking of suing the godhead over iPhone storage space. Seemingly, all is not what was promised; as if it ever is, dumbos. 
Here's to a gadget free Happy New Year!