Monday, May 19, 2014


The Nigerian president has disclosed that the war against the Islamist terror outfit Boko Haram has blown into a full scale war, which has now taken the lives of about 12,000 people. Hilary Clinton refused to designate Boko Haram - yet another Islamic death cult - a terrorist group when she was in post; even though everyone and their dog knew who these bastards were a couple of years ago. 
As for Mrs # tag Obama's plead to have the abducted schoolgirls returned; that should have been addressed to her jihad in-denial husband; for it's his policies of backing the very worst elements in Islam e.g. the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and turning a blind eye to radical Islam's financial backers in the Gulf States, that have given the global Islamist terror merchants the green light to carry on with their Jihad against anything not as fucking mad as them!

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