Wednesday, February 5, 2014


While a senior official in German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office conducted a meeting with members of the extremist anti-Israel nutters Natorei Karta, the German Left - aka just the other side of the same neo-Nazi coin - had their say in the socialist newspaper Neues Deutschland. Christoph R. Hörstel, a well known radical Lefty prat known for his pro-Iranian regime views and his fierce opposition to the Jewish state said, “Germany has in no way responsibility for the security of Israel or for its right to exist.” There's a three headed beast: The Radical Left, the Extreme Right and Islam's death cult which all have the same well known agenda when it comes to Israel; it's total destruction. But why the likes of the soft headed Israeli Left naively play along, makes you wonder if they have the slightest inkling of the damage they do and the comfort and encouragement they give to the Three Headed Beast?

(Image: Copyright Control)

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