Friday, December 6, 2013


The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on Thursday praised Israel’s economic growth in 2013. “Israel’s output growth remains relatively strong, unemployment is at historically low levels, its high-tech sector continues to attract international admiration, and new off-shore gas fields have come on stream,” the OECD said in the executive summary of its 2013 Israel Economic Survey. Still deluded enough to think that the farce known as the "peace process" with Clown Kerry conducting, is about a bit of land with goats? No; it's about the Arabs' fear of Israeli know-how, can-do! The Arabs know that keeping Israel spending $billions of dollars on defense each year is the only strategy they have to slow Israel's real potential down. Without their $trillions of petro-dollars rolling in each year, they'd all still be camel and goat herders.
(Image: Copyright Control)

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