Friday, June 28, 2013


Islam: Rape,Theology And Misogyny.

(Frontpagemag) Islam's teachings about sex and the high incidence of rape in Muslim societies, is a direct consequence of those teachings. How so? Well Islam is a religion that treats the male sex drive as a virtually holy phenomenon; allows men to have multiple marriages and divorce at will, even as it demands that females deny themselves even the most innocuous sorts of human contact in the name of preserving family honor – and that punishes a single infraction with death. In the view of Islam, when a man rapes an immodestly dressed woman, the rape is not HIS fault but hers; and when a Muslim rapes an Infidel in the “House of War,” it’s recognized as a form of Jihad. As forgiving as Islam is of virtually every imaginable heterosexual act that might be committed by a Muslim male, it’s equally unforgiving of a Muslim woman.

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