Friday, May 3, 2013


30 of the 31 men on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list are Muslim. While the New York Times dispatched its best and brightest lackeys to Boston to write sensitive pieces on how hard it was for the two Muslim Boston bombers to find a pair of pants to fit, or to feel like home in a non Islamist paradise, it fell to a UK tabloid to conduct an interview with the ex-girlfriend of the lead terrorist and learn what a misogynist shit he was. That he wanted her to hate America and beat her senseless because she wouldn’t wear blackout curtains - better known as Hijab - and walk three paces behind his Islamist ass. In Europe, editors risk their lives to publish Mohammad cartoons and the truth about the Islamification of Europe. Americans like to think of their press as freer, but it’s liberal media is only free in the sense that it voluntarily puts on its own muzzle.

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