Tuesday, December 11, 2012


The Palestinians having their own state is not all glooms-ville. Their present leadership would have to begin acting as a "state" with all the responsibility which that entails, and not a bunch of psycho hoodlums they presently are. Historically, Israel has always found it much easier dealing with it's Arab neighbors when they are a state - whither in war or cold peace. Continually attempting to contain Fatah/Hamas is a no brainer. The present Egyptian situation is an interesting example of how a future Pali State could evolve. At first, divided and at each other's throats with little time to deal with an other agenda. But...attempting to run a country is a mite different than their usual biz and eventually reasonable folk among them might emerge. Perhaps Egypt's democrats will eventually win through and show the way; sending the 7th century Mullahs back to the Mosques. If - and it's a big if - that eventually comes to pass, then an Arab 21st century mind set could actually bring about real security and peace for all in the region. The Mickey Mouse Oslo peace parchment that Israel signed onto, was just that; for until the Arabs win their own battles for a an open, tolerant society, there can be no peace for anyone, least of all them.
Egyptian protesters gather outside of the presidential palace in Cairo on Dec. 4.
While American media coverage of Arab Spring protests was thorough,
Egyptian activists say the truth of widespread protest and violence under
President Morsi is barely acknowledged. (Gianluigi Guercia/AFP/Getty Images)

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