Sunday, November 30, 2014


The Hamas leadership - the suits with 6 brain cells between them - are once again threatening to attack Israel. This time their excuse is over the failure of the international community to fulfill their promises to rebuild the Gaza Strip! The world's top bleaters and blamers, aka the Invented People - better known to you as the Palestinians - continue to be yet another Islamist plague on the planet. Their selfless devotion to that 7th century psycho Messenger of theirs makes for the best reason I know to ship them all off to some Gulf State Islamist Sharia shit hole and start racing the bulldozers along the Strip. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014


The EU  - already awash with 50 million Muslims, none of who are marching the streets with "NOT IN OUR NAME" placards against Islam's death cult crew Islamic State - are hell bent in recognising the Pali Brigade's state in waiting. Just what the world needs is yet another Arab entity; as if the dysfunctional basket case countries of Islam are not enough, let's vote for one more! Europe is mostly governed by liberal tendency and lefty loons, both with a penchant for national suicide; the USA with Barry the Bonker with two more years makes three. When he's not wrecking ball America, the Illinois Illusionist is busy ass lickin' the fifth column Islamists he's so enamored with. 
Western democracies have never faced such a threat since the days of Adolf and the Ruff Boys, not that Joe Public have noticed. Black Fridays, dumb and dumber and galloping banality being the norm. Islam has it's Morlocks while we've become the Eloie is not a very good survival script, folks.