Thursday, October 31, 2013


In Iran, the theocratic Islamo-fascist government of the Ayatollahs and clerics are again seeing the flow of wealth and cash into their coffers. Why should this be? It's all thanks to Obama & Co loosening its policies on Tehran, as they see the sly, deceitful Fox of Iran, Rouhani as a "moderate"! Given a green light by the Surrender-in-Chief  Obama, the ruling Islamists in Iran are feeling very confident having received Obama's early Xmas pressie, so their street thugs are already ratcheting up the crackdown on minorities, opposition groups, along with political and human rights activists. Can Obama get any worse? Yep. It's now a given that the worst and most dangerous president the USA has ever had, will allow the Mad Mullahs to get their nukes!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Lewis Allan Reed was born in Brooklyn, NY into a middle-class Jewish family, had relations in Israel and visited the country a handful of times over the last two decades. In 2010, Reed made a short film called "Red Shirley" which was about his 99-year-old aunt Shirley Novick and her experiences fleeing Poland and the Nazis during World War II. She arrived in New York, found work as a seamstress and much later she would march in Washington in support of the civil rights movement. “I realized if I didn’t do this, a connection to a lot of things would be lost forever,” Reed told The Wall Street Journal in 2011. 
If you've got a track or two, play it LOUD!
A young Lou Reed with John Cale in the middle.


“Bird was kind of like the sun, giving off the energy we drew from him,” Max Roach said of the alto saxophonist Charlie Parker. The sun set early for Parker, who died at thirty-four of pneumonia on March 12, 1955. He spent his last few days in a suite at the Stanhope Hotel, NYC owned by the Baronness Nica de Koenigswarter, a Rothschild heiress who was well known for her patronage of jazz musicians. Can be purchased from Amazon.

(Image: Copyright Control)


If Al Qaeda and the rest of the Alluhu Akbar psychos didn't have their brains in their ass, they'd have come to realize that if they just sit in their caves for another 50 years, they will get their wish of Caliphate. How come? Because demographers are forecasting a Muslim majority in Russia by 2050, while Europe’s Muslim population is projected to hit 58 million by 2030. By 2050, the United Kingdom and France will have majority Muslim populations if current birth rates as well as immigration and welfare policies continue. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Saudi Arabia has the field to itself, being about the only country in the world where women are barred from just about everything including driving, but the issue is not to be treated frivolously or with sarcasm. Saudi cleric Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Lohaidan - located somewhere in the 7th century - said: “If a woman drives a car, that could have negative physiological impacts as functional and physiological medical studies show". He was explaining this theory to his fellow clerics, who like the Sheikh, have about as much cred in the medical department as the flat earth society have at NASA.

Monday, October 28, 2013


A senior Iranian negotiator was very upbeat on Monday about the chances of progress in the latest round of talks. With good reason, Team Iran is super confident about the eventual outcome of these "negotiations"; the West being political simpletons who will swallow any swill that the not-so-mad Mullah Men dish out. An Iranian nuke built and wrapped up by Xmas? Well Obama won't stop 'em cookin' a nuke, so I guess it will be left for Israel to be the Tehran party pooper. (Image: Copyright Control)


Islamo-fascist Hezbollah, Iran's poodle in Lebanon may be best known for its terrorist activities, but few folk know that it also runs one of the largest and most sophisticated criminal operations in the world! A man who knows all about the tossers is Dr. Matthew Levitt, who directs the Stein program on counter-terrorism and intelligence at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy and is the author of Hezbollah: The Global Footprint of Lebanon’s Party of God. Can be purchased at (Hurst/Georgetown University Press, 2013)


"During the four-day siege in Kenya's Westgate shopping Mall, Islam's al-Shabaab Jihadists raped, tortured, beheaded, dismembered, castrated, gouged out eyes, amputated fingers and hung hostages on hooks from the roof.”  
Meanwhile, the suit wearing front groups for the barbarians of Radical Islam around the world, loudly condemn ANY criticism of Islam, calling it “offensive.” The denial factory, aka the liberal western media and way too many so called political leaders - including Obama - keep insisting that terrorism has nothing to do with jihad. If you've had enough of their “see no evil, hear no evil” then get involved! 
(Image: Copyright Control)

Saturday, October 26, 2013


I, Borat can verify that this is true.
A massive new oil discovery in Australia will spell doom for Saudi Arabia. Ditto that for all the Gulf states! All told the recent discovery outside a sleepy Australian town contains more black gold than in all of Iran, Iraq, Canada, or Venezuela. Strewth mate, at around 400 billion barrels it's a bleedin' whopper! Or as a suit in the oil biz would say, "It represents a bona-fide redrawing of the global energy map as we know it."


Post 9/11, NSA spying virtually unchecked, so bleat the crushingly naive of the planet. Look: if you've got the capability, you use it! The European governments are a bunch of whinging hypocrites, with that German bird leading the caterwauling chorus of phony indignation. Every Intel office on earth would just love to have and exploit the same capabilities and if you think otherwise, you've been spending too much time in Disneyland. 
(Image: Copyright Control)


Leaks to the New York Times in an article published Wednesday reveal one thing for certain that was previously unknown: Obama’s national security team are not happy bunnies at all, especially with his non handling of the Syrian crisis. In parsing the president’s body language – the report refers to Obama slouching, off scrolling through his Blackberry and chewing gum during crisis meetings. Well, at least he actually turns up...and it gets his lazy ass off the golf course for an hour or two.
Meetings, schmeetings; can't I guy get a pizza?


Keep your hand off my ass, elephant boy.
The Three Stooges singing that ol' time favorite tune: "Together We'll Fuck-Up America"
(Image: Copyright Control)

Friday, October 25, 2013


Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are pressuring Israel to remove all IDF soldiers from the Jordan valley, otherwise Abbas and the Palestinian Authority will walk away from the peace talks. Obama is planning on blaming Israel for the failure of the peace talks if Israel doesn't endanger itself by giving away the Jordan Valley to the Palestinian Authority. The so called peace talks are a friggin' farce and Obama's a busted flush, so Israel should tell Obama and that Palestinian crook Abbas to piss off!
Between us we'll screw Israel yet, my friend.


(Images: Copyright Control)
Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium to build a nuclear bomb in as little as a month, according the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), considered one of the United States' top nuclear experts. ISIS made the estimate in a new report published on Thursday by USA Today.
Wake me only when they've dropped it some wheres...

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Karima Bennoune is the talented writer of "Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here". She follows a familiar enough formula from countless other books about the region, but she is taking her readers beyond Malala territory and showing them Muslim women who reject the Hijab and Muslim men who reject much of what passes for Islamic law, as she guides Western college students and others into rejecting the Islamist narrative. Karima Bennoune’s "Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here" not only challenges the fatwas of Islam, but also the politically correct fatwas of the Western left. Her book can be found at Amazon.


A Palestinian mag for children has an essay in it which expresses admiration for Hitler because he killed Jews – an act presented as benefiting all of humanity. In the essay, Hitler says to a Palestinian girl in her dream: “I killed them [the Jews] so you would all know that they are a nation which spreads destruction all over the world.” Daily, the Palestinian media, TV and their school books rant their Islamo-fascist bile. There is no peace to be had with these second rate Nazis. EVER!


Brunei To Implement Strict Islamic Law!
Draconian new laws including lashes for drinking alcohol, stoning for adultery and amputations for theft will bring yet another Arab country back to the future. As for womans' rights under Sharia Law? Yeah, as if!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


(Images: Copyright Control)
The Kuwaiti publication Al Jarida quoted “a senior source in Jerusalem” who said on Wednesday that Israeli fighter aircraft two days ago bombed a truck carrying very advanced missiles along the Lebanon-Syria border. The truck was en route to Iran's Shiite terror poodle, Hezbollah. 


Rihanna was in Tel Aviv  performing before a crowd of 50,000 at Israel’s largest performance venue, Yarkon Park. She had played Israel three years ago despite a campaign by the Roger Waters/Alice Walker fav anti-Israel tossers aka the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Rihanna arrived early Tuesday afternoon, six hours later than scheduled, after performing in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. (Image: Copyright Control)


The USA has 48 million Americans who have no health cover. Any society which regards itself as civilized has a system in place to cater for all it's citizens, free at point of entry. Obamacare won't solve this as you are still BUYING a health insurance plan however it's dressed up; and as as for the Republicans, they haven't ANY plan except the status quo. Both parties have contributed to the $17 trillion dollar debt mountain with both parties spending most of their time in pre-election mode, having little interest or a clue in finding solutions to curing the Frankenstein of their making. Washington is a class act in dysfunctioning politics, with each passing week America looking more like the last days of Rome. Jez!

We'll just tell the dumbo voters it's Barbie.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Geneva Conference Moves Toward Criminalizing “Islamophobia”!
(Image: Copyright Control)
The Islamists and their radical Left toadies are serious. The OIC has launched a campaign to provide disinformation to the public, delinking all of Islam from any undesirable traits; such as their agenda for world domination with more than a wiff of the 7th century. Their agenda is to make it a crime to criticize the Death Cult Crew and it's various exploits in any way at all...oh and Obama is very much in their corner! Has the dime not dropped about this guy yet?


Call him an toss-pot narcissist or a conspiracy theorist clown, but Mark Dice has proven that there are ordinary Americans willing to sign their names and list their birthdays on a petition to support a Nazi state! Dice, trying to keep a straight face, signed up passers-by in San Diego for a “Nazi-style Orwellian police state…to keep the community safe” in the good ol’ US of A. In the past, Dice has signed up people to grant President Barack Obama immunity for all crimes he supposedly has committed, such as adding birth control drugs to the water supply. One thing it does show - not that it's any surprise - there are a whole bunch of scary thickos who are allowed a vote! (Image: Copyright Control)
It says here that folk not as intelligent as moi...

Monday, October 21, 2013


Oh Al baby, you're the man!
Al Sharpton shown here with Obama, is one of the greatest race hoaxers and divisive demagogues of the last half-century. Sharpton is the man whose anti-Semitic language helped stoke the flames of the 1991 Crown Heights riots that resulted in the murder of Yankel Rosenbaum; he is the man whose incitements against a white owned store in Harlem ended with one of his followers torching Freddie’s Fashion Mart, causing a fire that killed eight people; he is a liar who falsely accused a district attorney and five other innocent men of raping 15-year-old Tawana Brawley and he was the leader of the lynch mob that smeared the innocent Duke lacrosse players. (Image: Copyright Control)


A taxpayer-funded Muslim school in England run by Islamic fundamentalists, has been exposed for operating according to Islamic Sharia law and now has been condemned by government inspectors as being “dysfunctional” and “in chaos.” Ofsted, the official agency for inspecting British schools, launched an urgent investigation into the Al-Madinah School in Derby (an industrial city in central England) after it emerged that Islamic fundamentalists were running the school. The revelations about the very un-British goings-on at the Al-Madinah School — the working conditions at the school have been compared to “being in Pakistan” — have fueled outrage over what some are calling underhanded attempts to establish a parallel Islamic education system in Britain.  When you allow the loony tunes to take over the asylum, what do you bloody well expect! Stop sleepwalking UK, Europe, USA et al.
(Image: Copyright Control)


(Image: Copyright Control)
The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) is about to receive its first Bedouin tank commander. While about 1,000 Bedouin Arabs already serve in the IDF, most of them serving as trackers, or in the Bedouin reconaissance battalion, Cpl. Mustafa Tabash will become the first Bedouin tank commander. About one in nine Bedouin muslim men serve in the IDF.


(Image: Copyright Control)
Deadly Attack Outside Cairo Church Wedding
An eight-year-old girl was among three victims of an Islamist shooting in just the latest attack targeting Egypt's Coptic Christians. Egypt's Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi said in a statement on Monday that the attack on Sunday night was a "callous and criminal act." The latest number of terror attacks - not counting the casualties - committed world wide by the religion of peace, now currently stands at: 21,765 since 9/11.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


The Committee to Protect Journalists released a special report this week titled "The Obama Administration and the Press" that outlines the aggressive tactics employed by Obama to stifle free press. “This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered,” said David E. Sanger, veteran chief Washington correspondent of The New York Times.
Cross me? You'll wish you hadn't...


The US ambassador to Israel was shocked! (does he think he's in Arizona?) Firstly, that Hamas builds tunnels and that they are to a NYC subway spec and therefore with an annual budget of $700 million- mostly coming from tax paying mugs in Europe plus Arab governments - it’s estimated that $100 million goes directly towards building these terror tunnels which go into Israel and the Sinai. It is unknown how much more of the Islamo-fascist budget goes into acquiring and building missiles and explosives. Plenty I'd say. Time to get the Daisy Cutters and bunker busters out on the Islamist bastards, which will sure fix these tunnel troubles!

Friday, October 18, 2013


A Pakistani illegal alien and Muslim bookstore employee was discussing his plans to kill as many New Yorkers as possible. “I’m going to fuck this country very bad.” But before Siraj and his collaborator could bomb the 34th Street subway station, they were arrested. But under Bill de Blasio, the New York Police Department would never have been allowed to lay a finger on them! Why so? Because the leftist running for mayor of New York City wants to shut down NYPD counter-terrorism unit and has once again reiterated that he will NOT allow proactive surveillance of Muslim terror suspects and terror mosques. Forget party voting: Keeping this man from being mayor has to be the number one priority!
Vote for Bonkers Bill, if you want your ass blown off!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


"Facebook was amazed by the amount of talent in such a small country like Israel," so said the Facebook VP. Facebook is to open its first R&D center outside the US. They chose Israel in the knowledge that the best talent is to be found there. Onavo, the Israeli company that Facebook acquired with all its know how in data compression, will help Facebook achieve its vision of linking the largest number of users possible in the world, including, of course, Africa and the Middle East. "We are waiting impatiently for the establishment of the Facebook Israel team in the coming months and years." the Facebook VP stated.
Yet another product the toss pots in the Boycott Israel Brigade should be ticking off on their To Do list!
(Image: Copyright Control)


Fellow terror lovers, I have a very important announcement:

It's short, but sweet. Even Hamas know where they came from!


Obama's buddy, that Islamo-fascist running Turkey has passed the identity of at lest 10 Israeli operatives to Iran. Turkish intelligence chief Hakan Fidan is considered by Israel to be behind the betrayal, but Obama's spooks in the United States continue to deal with Fidan. But then, Obama's more than sympathetic to Islam's fascists, so it's no big surprise that he's dragged the US into the swill.
Do you think I'm 666? Hey, I should be so lucky... 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


There was an upbeat atmosphere as Iran and 5+1 started their meeting; Iran in it's usual feet dragging role while conning gullible,Western wishful thinkers at the nuclear talks in Geneva. Like lambs to the slaughter, the Iranian shepherd of deceit leads the more than willing EU and Yanks to another Chamberlain moment. The West deserves to be Islamified such is their collective stupidity. Just when we need a Churchill instead we have this crop of useless, appeasing, apologist clowns "negotiating". Strewth!

Did you here this one? In Iran, a UN nuke inspector goes for
 a coffee and while he's off out...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


The U.S. Airline Pilots Association is warning that terrorists are practicing dry runs to carry out a mega-terror attack right under the eyes of federal marshals! One marshal told a Florida media outlet that the Transportation Security Administration is “lying” when it says it takes all reports of suspicious activity aboard aircraft seriously. “They’re liars. They’re flat out liars,” he said, explaining that federal officials are hiding the truth.
Federal marshal exercise.


Two new extremist Islamist foxes have been warmly welcomed into U.S. chicken coop. They are two of the most over-promoted and sinister figures involved with the Obama led government: Mohamed Elibiary and Dalia Mogahed. If you were one of those Christian Copts in Egypt, standing in the ruins of your village or church, what message would you take from all this? Something like: Obama's favorite Muslims are always from the Dept of Radical Islam!
So...just who's side IS Obama really on?

Monday, October 14, 2013


Azerbaijan is a Muslim nation - 90% Muslim - yet has full diplomatic relations with Israel. How come? Easy. Unlike the Middle East, it hasn't allowed any radical Islamist nutters anywhere near the driving wheel! So why does Obama hitch his wagon to the radical Islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood? You may well ask... 
Baku, Azerbaijan which is twined with Haifa, Israel


Sunday, October 13, 2013


Israeli Thriller "Big Bad Wolves" Is Best Film Of The Year!
(Image: Copyright Control)
In this 2013 thriller, a series of brutal murders puts the lives of three men on a collision course: The father of the latest victim now out for revenge, a vigilante police detective operating outside the boundaries of law, and the main suspect in the killings - a religious studies teacher arrested and released due to a police blunder. I'm more a Bambi guy, but click on the trailer below, you go see it when it comes your way and decide.


A ‘terror tunnel’ has been discovered running from Gaza to Israel. The subterranean passage, some 2.5 kilometers long, was likely to be used for attack or kidnapping. It doesn't sound like the security folk use this already but if not they should use this technology that has proved highly successful in archaeology. A geophysical survey is a ground-based physical sensing technique used for archaeological imaging or mapping and it sure as hell would have found this tunnel! And few daisy cutters dropped on the Hamas bastards side of the fence from time to time could be just the ticket!
Electrical resistance map of ancient Aphrodisias

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Abbas: 'Israel to blame for dire state of Palestinian economy.' Just the usual load of tosh you expect to hear from the planet's professional bleaters. It is very well documented that over the years, billions of dollars from the US, EU and Arab Gulf states have pored into the coffers of the Palestinian entity Fatah/PLO, intended of course to benefit the Palestinian people; but very little of the money ever reached the intended programs. Instead, most of it found it's way into the private bank accounts of these corrupt, political Palestinian crooks. That fat dead weasel Arafat was a multi millionaire times over and rest of Fatah's political gang of thugs, continue to follow in his slime-ball rip off ways!


While much of the world feels the pinch of a housing crunch, all signs point to a continued increase in demand for real estate in Israel. Many buyers are from places such as Mexico City, Panama, and Europe, just in case they need it as an “insurance policy” given the increased anti-semitism in these places. There are also a good number of non-Jews from many different countries who are buying property in Israel. In recent years, a large number of Chinese Christians have purchased homes for reasons other than an investment opportunity. Many have donated the homes to provide housing for Israeli soldiers whose families are overseas.
(Image: Copyright Control)


Krokodil is a flesh-eating drug, popular in Russia and Eastern Europe and used as a cheaper alternative to heroin and it has now surfaced in the U.S. Hey, let's get some of this into us tonight, babe! Can humans be the thickest form of life on planet earth?

Friday, October 11, 2013


Peter Higgs discovered he had won the Nobel Prize in Physics - God particle and all that - when a woman stopped her car in the street and called to congratulate him. The retired theoretical physicist who worked and lives in Edinburgh, Scotland had been out enjoying his lunch of soup, draught beer and sea trout. A good choice, Prof!
Which means that it's still a big bloody mystery;
and my lunch and I are made of the same stuff!


A well known pro-Israel activist Aryeh King, is running for Jerusalem city council in the upcoming elections, representing Jerusalem’s periphery neighborhoods, including the one he lives in. So what? The thing is, he could get most of the Arab vote! King said that most of the Jerusalem’s Arabs want to remain under Israeli sovereignty and that his party “United Jerusalem” will fight to make sure it stays that way. Middle East politics is never anything the Yanks or Europe will ever understand!
King on left speaking to a potential Arab voter.


And the Nobel Peace Prize goes to...well given that they have handed out this gong to the likes of Obama, Arafat and the European Union it should be no surprise that they got it very wrong once again! Anyone who has listened to Malala Yousafzai knows to whom the award should have gone.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


In a recent poll, 2/3rds of Israelis think Obama pathetic and don't trust him. In the U.S. 75% of the Jewish vote went to Obama. Like slicing salami, year by year Israel is becoming increasing irrelevant to them according to a recent Pew poll. The majority have never visited Israel and are well on the way to become yet another lost tribe. Ironically, over the past 30 years, support for Israel from Christian communities world wide has dramatically increased and has never been stronger, as a recent conference in Jerusalem with 1,300 delegates showed. It is estimated there are now around 100 million pro-Israel Christians from various denominations.
(Image: Copyright |Control)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013



Let's cut to the chase: Just Default! Most Americans seem to think they are still living in the great decade of the 1950's. No debt, ruling the world roost with only better times ahead. Wakey, wakey, dysfunctioning Washington! You've got close to $17 trillion debt !!! ($7 trillion added in just 5 years by Obama). Both political parties, most of their respective followers and the U.S. media seem oblivious - in what passes as serious discussion of the issues - to the notion of deckchairs on the Titanic. The U.S. really needs a massive fiscal shock; and only by defaulting might it finally shake it awake from it's 50's myth parade. A diet of too many Hollywood films have given many Americans - 40% of whom don't have a passport and have never been outside the U.S. - an invincible image of themselves. America needs to get real now; or in 20 years this once great nation could sadly, be just that.
(Image: Copyright Control)


UK Foreign Secretary William Hague yesterday told the House of Commons that tentative steps are being taken towards the possible restoration of diplomatic ties with Iran. Eh? What's changed with Islam's wannabe Nuke Reich? Hague has as much brains as he has hair. Indeed, the EU and Obama's America are pushing each other out of the way to ass kiss that devious, bearded murder merchant.
Hi their fans; just back from mugging the West again!